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"I'm sorry mrs Romanoff but you can't go in, your wife is being prepped for surgery and she came in in an ambulance.''
''I need to see her, i need to know she's okay.. please..'' Natasha was begging, you were her whole world and it just came crashing down. You were attacked on your way to the compound from work at the NYPD. They stole all your belongings, but she didn't care about that. The burglars had knives. They stabbed you because you fought back. The nurse left Natasha to sit in a waiting room, she was paying for the best treatment money can buy. ''Uh, Mrs Romanoff? We were going through Mrs Y/L/N-Romanoff's medical records and we found a do not resuscitate order, the name on the document left to make the decision if she was unable to was Tony Stark and he's not answering our calls. ''Do you know him?''

''Yeah i do, i'll call Stark and have him get here as soon as possible''

'or i'll rip him to pieces' Natasha muttered under her breath.

Tony: ''Sup scary redhead''

Natasha: ''I need you to come to the hospital''

Tony: ''What's happened? Are you hurt?""

Natasha: "No it's Y/N, she's the one hurt, she needs surgery so you need to get your ass here to get rid of the 'do not resuscitate' crap.

Tony: I'll be there in 5 minutes, send me which hospital you are at.

Natasha: Will do, hurry.

Tony being Tony was able to get past the front desk without any questions asked. He quickly walked through the halls until he spotted Natasha arguing with a nurse.

The nurse looked relieved at seeing Tony. ''Mr Stark, we need you to make a decision about the do not resuscitate order so we can go on with the surgery.'' The nurse said, handing Stark the paper with the order on it.

''Go ahead, just make sure she gets out of it alright.'' Tony says while ripping the piece of paper into tiny pieces.

Natasha looked relieved.

''And now we wait'' Natasha sighed.

''Now we wait." Tony agreed.

There was a couple of minutes of silence before Natasha had to ask Tony something.

''Why were you on the do not resuscitate order and not me?'' Natasha asked silently.

''I knew her way before you met her Nat, she was on an undercover op with a high risk of getting hurt. There was a lot at stake. She put my name on there because i was one of the few people she trusted to make a good decision.''

Natasha nodded.

After a long wait, the nurse finally came back.

''The surgery went well, however I regret to inform you y/n is currently in a coma. We expect her to wake up and make a full recovery, but it might be awhile before she is recovered. She had some pretty extensive damage to some vital organs.''

''Thank you.'' Natasha spoke. Tony just looked relieved.

''Can we see her?''
''Yes, follow me.'' The nurse said. Leading Natasha and Tony through the halls to the room y/n was staying in.

''Here you go, we put a bed in here in case you want to stay the night. We expect her to wake up somewhere tomorrow.''

''I will stay here, i'm not going to leave her alone.''

The nurse nodded and left the room to give everyone some space.

Tony took a look at Natasha and knew she wanted some alone time with you so he announced that he was going to get coffee from the downstairs cafeteria.

Natasha slowly walked up to the chair next to your bed and sat down, taking your hand.

''Hi darling, I don't know if you can hear me right now but I was so worried about you. Please wake up soon so i can look into your eyes again and just talk with you.

It's been a few hours since Tony and Natasha came into your room, it was almost midnight.

''I think i'm going back to the compound, are you sure you're okay to stay here on your own?''

''I'm fine Tony, just go home. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.''

Not even 20 minutes later, Natasha nodded off as well, sitting in the chair next to your bed. Not letting go of your hand, not even while she was asleep.

Natasha woke up by a soft pressure squeezing her hand. She thought she was dreaming for a second. ''Y/n??"

''Goodmorning my love'' Y/n whispered.

''I'm so glad you're awake, thank fucking god. How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Can I help?''. Natasha rambled on.

''Nat, Nat, i'm okay, it's okay.'' Y/n shushed nat, scooting over on the bed so Natasha could lay next to you.

''I'm sorry, I just hate seeing you in pain.''

''I know Nat, I know. I promise, I'm alright." Natasha cuddled into y/n, putting her arms around y/n protectively.

''I'm still gonna kill the guys that hurt you.'' Natasha said casually, making y/n laugh.

''I know, I also know i won't be able to stop you.''

''You definitely won't.'' Natasha smirked, feeling happy again now that you were awake and are gonna be okay.

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