winter wrap up in cantorlot

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Moonbeam anxiously waited for the train to arrive with her friends and sister.

"Are you sure you don't want to come twilight?" She asked as she turned to twilight's Steer.

"Of course, my first winter wrap up living in pony vill, should be in ponyville" twilight replied "Its just a shame your going to miss it"

Moonbeam sighed sadly but smiled still. "I'd hopped to be part of it but with half the wonder bolts out with feather flu, I need to organise the rest of the pegasi and some of the unicorns"

"It is such an enormous task, are you sure you can handle that?" Rarity fretted

Moonbeam grinned before replying and elbowed twilight " I lived with twilight, I think I know how to organise"

The girls laughed and the train arrived.

They all gave Moonbeam a hug and she boarded the train.

She smiled as she heard and watched pinkie run after the train screaming something.

On the train Moonbeam made a plan for the weather crews and unicorns.

First clearing the clouds. And getting the sun shinning through.

Have the unicorns and a few earth ponies on the ice breaking it up.

A few unicorns would be creating nests and bringing the animals out of hibernation although that was only for extremely trained individuals.

Moonbeam would personally be over seeing this as she had spent alot of time in the Royal gardens with the rare animals.

She missed them. She smiled fondly.

Once the train pulled up to cantorlot station she was greeted by a snowy cantorlot and a small guard was waiting.

An officer stepped forward and bowed "lady moonbeam, please follow me"

"Lady?" Moonbeam asked confused.

"Yes, m'lady"

"Since when?"

Then a voice greeted her "since I became captain of the guard"

Moonbeam eyes widened in joy before she shot forward so fast the two guards where shoved out of the way as the surprisingly strong mare jumped on her brother.

Shinning laughed as his sister hugged him before releasing him and inspecting his shinny new uniform and badge.

"Oh my mares, when did that happen! Why haven't we heard before now!" She demanded turning slightly angry in hurt that her and twilight had missed this.

"Hey, I know it's big but I haven't had a minuet to write a letter , I swear I was going to come and tell you"

Moonbeam looked sad so shinny gave her another hug.

She accepted the hug greatfully, letting a small tear leave her eye before quickly wiping it away and smiling.

"Right it seems I have a job to do so let's get to it before spring is late!"

"Of course, follow me"

The guards where left to handle luggage whilst moonbeam and shinny walked towards the castle.

Moony was lead to the throne room where Princess celestial was trying to sooth riled Lords and ladies.

"How are we supposed to bring in spring if all the pegasi are sick!"

"Not all the pegasi are sick and we have gathered what weather talented unicorns together with my faithful student moonbeam winter to lead them"

"You are letting a child run winter wrap up!?" A snooty voice enquired doubtfully.

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