to be young and in a rush

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Hey guys so I meant to put this in a while ago but got busy but a few readers have done some awesome work featuring moonbeam so thank you Cordelia5883 please check them out and find her art book I love the gala dress you created. Also thank you to Crystalivy90 find their art work in this link

Moonbeam was at the park enjoying yes actually enjoying some relaxation time, no dog, no over eager friends trying to force her to relax. She was simply sat at the fountain reading a book.

Behind her she heard laughter and excited children, she checked the time and realised the foals where out from school. She sighed as her peace came to an end.

Moonbeam wouldn't say she was particularly fond of children, she didn't hate them but they where loud and messy.

She found applebloom pleasant and sweet but very energetic and moony only handled her in small doses.

Sweetie bell was a little too energetic, though that might be because her parents left her quite a bit with Rarity who was much too focused on work than entertaining the little filly. Applebloom used alot of energy around the farm which made her a little more... tame?.

She adored the those two like one would a little sister but like all sibling bonds they can be strained sometimes.

And moony wouldn't say she was the best person to be around sometimes when her emotions because too much for her.

Moonbeam decided to pack up and had thank fully just put her book in her bag when a young pegasi on a scooter launched herself in to the fountain, sending a wave of water over moony.

Moonbeam groaned.

Turning to the little orange filly with magenta mane and tail, who gave her a sheepish grin with a slight blush.

She gave the filly a glare and they little pony flinched and muttered a sorry.

Moonbeam sighed and shook the water out her coat before offering a hoof to the filly.

"What exactly where you doing?" She asked concernedly as she pulled a blanket out her bag, she was gonna use it to lay on the grass but didn't end up using it.

The pegasi fully let moonbeam pull her from the fountain and shook, then moony wrapped her in the blanket to help dry her.

Call her a mother her but it wouldn't do for the filly to catch a cold.

"I was trying to jump over the fountain, er guess I didn't get enough hight" the filly answered looking a little annoyed.

"Right... Well next time be more careful" she sighed before pulling a wet blanket away as the fully handed it back.

Moonbeam turned to head back to the library muttering about how she always ended up wet when she came to the park.

When she heard something that made her freeze.

"See you later blank flanks" she heard a snooty voice sneer.

Moony rolled her eyes as she watched the most spoiled fillies walk past her.

She then heard appleblooms voice and she turned around to walk towards the young pony.

"Its not fair" she whined clearly what those two brats had said had upset the little one.

"Don't get your mane in a tangle. You'll get your cutie mark. Everypony gets one eventually." Applejack tried to comfort but applebloom would have non of it

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