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I click my alarm clock off and get up. Today I met up with Grace, Jake and Zack to go karting. It's my first time and I'm pretty nervous since it can be dangerous.

I put that thought aside and walk towards my wardrobe. I choose a simple outfit and then walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up. I step under it and do what I always do.

Then I dry off and change my clothes. I do my hair and then walk back downstairs. My mom is sitting at the dining table. "Hey mom" I say. "Good morning, slept well?" She asks. "Sure did" I say. "What are you going to do today?" She asks. "Go carting with Jake, Zack and Grace remember" "oh yeah right you told me" I laugh and then grab something to eat.

After 20 minutes the bell rings. I give my mother a kiss and then grab my coat. I open the door and say hello to everyone. Grace's father takes us to the go-kart track.

Once we arrive at the kart track we walk in and are explained the rules and how the kart works. We are given a suit and a helmet and quickly get changed.

We get into the karts and all start driving. It goes surprisingly well and I am first, I drive 5 seconds ahead of Jake, then comes Zack and last drives Grace.

I look to my right while driving and see two people standing next to the track. They look my way, point at me and then write something down. I decide to let it go and ride my laps.

By now, 15 minutes have passed and we have to put the karts back on the side. We get out and take off our helmets. I see people coming my way and for some reason get nervous.

"Are you coming?" Asks Grace. "I'll be there in a minute go ahead and have a drink" I say. Grace looks at me questioningly but nods anyway. They walk towards the restaurant and then the people are in front of me.

"Uhm hello" I say to the man and the woman. "Hello, Julie right?" Asks the woman. I nod and shake the woman's hand. They introduce themselves too and then the woman starts talking again.

"We just saw you driving, have you done this before?" She asks. I shake my head. "First time" I say. "Wow then you have a lot of talent in you girl" says the man. "Uhm thank you" I say.

"We are looking for a girl who has the talent to train to eventually end up in Formula 1" the woman says. I'm a little startled by her sentence. "We think you could do this" says the man. "I Uhm, I don't know" I say.

"We'll give you our card, you can consult at home and maybe we can have a conversation with your parents. How would you like it?" Asks the woman. "I'm a big fan of formula 1, and would think it would be super cool but I don't really know" I say doubtfully. "That's not a problem at all, just think about it for a while and let us know when you have a decision" says the woman as she hands me a ticket. Still confused I walk towards the restaurant of the go-kart track.

"What was it?" Asks Grace. "Oh nothing" I answer. We have a drink and then go to the track one more time. While driving I think a lot, it seems like a good opportunity and super fun. I'm going to discuss it with my parents, see what they think.


Hey all, first chapter of the book "im a driver". I hope you guys like it already. A lot of time goes into writing the chapters so a star would be sweet, and comments are all I like too!


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