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Today we have free practice 1 and 2. I am looking forward to finally race with the others on the track. We will see how the strategy we came up with will turn out.

Lando said there was a chance to score some points, but I am not sure about that. I hope so of course but I think I will end up somewhere between p20 and p12.

When Charlotte and I are ready again, we walk to the hall downstairs where Lando is already waiting for us. We get into the taxi and drive to the circuit.

When we get there we scan our passes and walk onto the paddock. "In half an hour you all have to walk to the start, they want to take a picture with all the drivers. Julie you just have to keep your helmet on, and try to ignore all the questions and just give everyone a fist bump" says Charlotte. Lando and I nod and go to our own room.

After half an hour there is a knock on the door. Charlotte and Lando come in. "We have to go, are you coming?" Asks Charlotte. I nod and get up.

We walk towards the start and I see all the drivers already standing. As soon as Lando and I enter the track all heads turn towards us. Lando says hello to all the drivers and then they come to me. Everyone gives me a fist bump but Max looks at me a bit skewed.

"Mysterious huh?" He says. I nod and want to walk on. "I'm curious to see how you do on the track" he laughs. I shrug and walk over to Lando. We all stand up and the picture is taken.

Lando stays to talk to Max and Daniel, but I go straight back to the garage. In half an hour we have to go on track for fp1.

I walk to my engineer and he starts talking. The whole time I nod at his questions and after half an hour it is time to get into the car.

I sit down and am properly secured. Once I'm seated I hear through my earpiece that the engineer says I can drive out of the pit lane.

I start the engine and drive out of the garage.

The first few laps I drive at a normal pace, so I can get used to the track and my tyres can warm up.

After fifteen minutes I hear in my ear. "Try a fast lap" I step on the gas harder and the speed goes up. "1:34.837 is your time, not bad but we can go faster. Come into the pit lane" says the engineer. "Understood" I say and finish the lap.

I drive into the pit lane and get out of the car. The performance engineer explains a few things that could be better and the engineers do some things to my car.

After 5 minutes I was allowed back on the track.

Fp1 is now finished, my time was not better than 1:33.473. Max drove the fastest lap.

After 2 hours it is time for fp2. I get back in the car and drive out of the pit lane again.

After an hour this one is also finished. Here my fastest time was 1:30.028. Much faster than in fp1.

I was among the fastest so my confidence in tomorrow is better than this morning. Maybe p10 is possible.

When we get back to the hotel I change into a jogging outfit. I have dinner with Charlotte and at 10 o'clock I go to sleep. Tomorrow will be an exciting day.

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