🏎 24 🏎

3.5K 78 4

They help me into the ambulance and then we leave for the hospital. It's about a 20 minute drive to the hospital. They had already said that the emergency at the track would have referred us as well so we better go right ahead.

"Charlotte can I have my phone?" I ask. She nods and wants to give my phone. "You probably have a concussion, you better not use it for a while" says the doctor. I shake my head. "I need to text my mom" I say, but I also want to do something else for a while. The man nods and I get my phone.

My mother had already texted me, she was shocked and wanted to know if everything is going well. I text back that I'm on my way to the hospital now, my legs hurt, I have a head injury, probably a concussion and maybe bruised ribs.

Then I go to the live race online. I open the race and see that the red flag is still going on. Everyone is in the pit. They also show a replay of the crash, I get a little shock. I really made a hard hit.

Then Lando's board radio comes on. "What happened? Is she Okay?" I hear him ask. "She's at the hospital right now, she didn't get enough room and slammed into the wall. Focus on the race Lando it's going to start in 3 minutes" says his performance engineer. "Does she have anything serious?" He asks. I smile, he really is like a brother to me. "We don't know that yet Lando, she was unconscious for a while. After the race you can go to her, but you really need to focus now" the performance engineer answers again. Lando sighs but doesn't elaborate.

After 20 minutes we arrived at the hospital. I had to stay on the gurney and they are now rolling me towards a room. I am rolled towards a room and Charlotte doesn't let go of my hand for a minute. They help me off the gurney and put me in the hospital bed. "We are leaving again, there will be two nurses see you in a minute if it is okay" says the ambulance attendant.

I nod. "Thank you" I say as I give them both a fist bump. "No thanks it's our job, good luck with your career" the woman says with a wink. I smile and wave them off until they are out of the room.

I talk to Charlotte for a moment and then the nurses come in. "Good afternoon Julie" says the woman, of I think around 22, kindly. I smile at her. The nurses introduce themselves. "We're going to stitch that wound first okay?" Asks one sister. I nod.

They numb my head and start stitching. The whole time I hold Charlotte's hand and don't let go for a second. I am very afraid of needles.

After 10 minutes they are done and want to take me for a scan. My reflexes in my legs were still good so the pain cannot come from there. Once the scan is done I am taken back to my room. "The results will be there in about fifteen minutes" the nurse says. I nod and she leaves the room.

After 20 minutes she returns. "Hello Julie, how are you?" She asks. I nod. "The painkillers have helped for my legs and my ribs too" I answer. "Good, indeed we saw something at those ribs too. They are unfortunately bruised. With the legs is nothing wrong, it probably still hurts because they have been stuck between the car but this will go away in a few days" she says. I nod.

"Unfortunately we have to keep you in the hospital for another night for monitoring" she says. "Okay, and next week's race? Can I drive that one? I'm already missing out on a lot of points today by not finishing" I say. Charlotte next to me starts laughing. "You're crazy" she says laughing.

The nurse also smiles for a moment. "No unfortunately not Julie, due to your bruised ribs and the concussion you are not allowed to drive for the next 4 weeks" she says. "What, that's 2 races I'll miss then" I say as I bolt upright. "Julie just calm down, Patricio will fill in for you for the races so you can fully recover, then when you are recovered you can race again" says Charlotte. I sigh and angrily turn over in my bed, this is all Lewis' fault.

The nurse talks some more to Charlotte and leaves after 5 minutes. "Would you like some from the cafeteria?" She asks. I don't answer. She sighs and walks out of the room. I know it's mean to be like that to her because she can't do anything about it but right now I just don't want to talk to anyone.

After 5 minutes the door opens again, I am lying with my back to the door so I can't see who is coming in but it must be Charlotte.

"Julie?" I hear Lando's voice. I turn around as fast as I can, which isn't very fast considering my bruised ribs. There stands Lando, in the door opening with his race suit still on.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay" he says as he walks up to me. He gives me a hug and I can't hold back a tear. "Hey what's up?" He asks. "It's not fair Lando, I don't get to race for 4 weeks now while Lewis is having the time of his life" I say angrily. "Where did he finish" I ask. "P1" says Lando cautiously. "Urgh" I shout angrily as I knock a box off my nightstand.

Lando gets into bed next to me and puts an arm around me. "Easy little one, you're just going to have a nice recovery and then you'll come back better than ever" he says. I sigh and lie down, after a few minutes I fall into a deep sleep.

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