Hey emo boy

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You hurried through the crowded shopping mall, head down, hyper focused on the task ahead of you.
'Okay, no distractions this time... I'll get what I came for and then it's back to working on my project.'
You thought to yourself as you tore your eyes away from the rows and rows of shiny new outfits adorning the shop windows on either side.
As a second year photography student, you couldn't help but let your mind wander as you imagined the different shoots and concepts you could conjure up with this many different styles to work with.

You quickly snapped yourself out of it as you found yourself standing outside your destination. You allowed yourself a small moment of pride that you arrived here without a single impulse purchase, before pushing open the door to the small tech shop.
"Hi what can I do fo- oh if it isn't my favourite regular!"
A familiar voice rang out across the shop, "Here for camera repairs again Y/n? What have you done to it this time-"

You quickly shut down the small, sarcastic individual.
"Hi Strawberry Crepe, I'm actually here for a new lens, not even I could break a camera that fast," you rolled your eyes at their lack of faith in you.
"I'm working on a new project, do you have a lens I could use for high contrast, portrait shots?" Strawberry Crepe's eyes seemed to light up as they ran you through specifics of the different lenses.

They sure were passionate about their technology, even though they acted like a bratty kid some of the time, you could respect their dedication to their work, as weird as it was that they let someone so young run a shop by themselves.

"By the way y/n... You still haven't found yourself a boyfriend?" Strawberry Crepe snapped you out of your thoughts "Pfft talk about forever alone, well, at least machines will never let you down."
Yep, there it is. Definitely a bratty kid. "Aren't you like, 12." you retorted with a snort. "Anyway I have more important things to worry about finding right now, I still don't have a model for my emo revival shoot this weekend, I mean where would I even find someone like that?" You fretted, thinking about your looming deadlines.
"Emo revival?? First of all what are you even doing, it's not 2006, second of all why not just check out the hot topic. One just opened up on the second floor." Strawberry Crepe pointed out, being helpful for maybe the first time that day.

"Oh my god I didn't even know, I'll go check that out right away you're a lifesaver!" You said, ruffling their hair, much to the pre teen's annoyance. "Whatever, are you gonna buy the lens or not." They huffed, pushing the card machine over to you.

And so you found yourself hidden away in the corner of the hot topic, feeling more than a little creepy as you stared down every customer who walked by, hoping to find the perfect model to fit your vision, and maybe even bag you that A+ for your class. However, as the minutes dragged by you slowly began to lose hope, not one of the nerds in this store would work for your shoot. 'and even if I did find someone... There's no guarantee that they would even agree to model for me...' you sighed to yourself and slumped down among the overpriced anime merch.

Suddenly a voice cut though your thoughts "Hey, I need to close up here could you... you know clear out? This is a hot topic not a hotel."
They sounded very displeased. Looking up at the source of the voice, your eyes widened. Long legs in tight white jeans, red and black fluffy hair that almost reached the floor, a camp red cropped jacket that was straight out of some tacky 80's anime. Sweet Jesus, the pastry gods must be on your side today as the emo boy of your dreams stood in front of you, a disinterested expression plastered on his face and a hot topic employee tag pinned to his jacket. He was smoking hot. You just stood there for a second, eyes wide.

"You're... Perfect" you finally managed to splutter as he looked a little surprised, you could have sworn his cheeks looked a little pink for a second
"You're the exact kind of person I've been searching for to model for my photoshoot!! Please please please tell me you're free this weekend -" you interrupted your rambling to check his name tag "Red Velvet! I'll pay you for your time! Would you be willing to model for me? Your style is perfect for my project!" Realising you had been talking at this poor minimum wage employee for a while now you trailed off, looking up at him with sparkling, expectant eyes.

He took a few seconds to respond, obviously caught off guard by your request. "Um... Model? Listen I have to close up shop, I don't know who you are but I think you have me confused with someone else," He said as he unceremoniously shoved you towards the exit and rolled his eyes.
"Your style is perfect for what I'm planning, please at least consider it! Here, take my number in case you change your mind." You told him as you slapped a piece of paper with your phone number scrawled on it into his hand. To your surprise he took it and slipped it into his pocket before shutting the door with a final deadpan "Thanks for shopping at Hot Topic."

"Well, it was worth a shot..." you mumbled to yourself as you turned towards the exit of the mall, watching the lights in the shops turn off one by one on your way out. Thinking about which of your classmates you could ask to model for your photoshoot last minute, you were surprised by your ringtone chiming, almost causing your phone to slip out of your hands. You opened up your messages to see a single message from an unknown number

Unknown ID: Hey it's hot topic guy, could you send me the details...

You stared for a second in disbelief, before barely suppressing a squeal. 'Omg I didn't think he would actually get back to me! He's the perfect guy for this shoot, I have so much to get ready! He's kind of hot too...' you shook your head to rid yourself of those thoughts before happily making your way home for the night.

Meanwhile in the hot topic a certain emo boy was finishing his closing shift and trying to rid his mind of your sparkling eyes and obnoxious enthusiasm.

Emo boy - Red velvet cookie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now