Red Velvet gives you a hand

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You slipped on the final piece of clothing Red Velvet had given you. Chiffon stood wagging his tail as you pulled both of your arms through the sleeves and looked at the black sweatpants and red hoodie in the mirror of Red Velvet's room. Your frame was smaller than his and the hoodie all but swallowed you up.
'perfect' you thought to yourself as you breathed in the familiar scent of the hoodie's owner. 'i wonder if I could steal this.' you were immediately ashamed for thinking it.
Banishing the thought from your mind, you folded the clothes you were wearing before carefully stowing them in your bag.
That dress had been through enough, you thought, as the layer of dust and grime from Twizzly's floor was still visible. You would have to apologize to Parfait later on.

You suddenly heard a knock on the door, and realized that you had abandoned Red Velvet in the corridor to change.
"Can I come in yet?" You heard him ask hesitantly.
"I'm finished" You reassured him as you swung open the door to his room.

Red Velvet, who had clearly been leaning on the door, stumbled a little as he entered the room. You went to grab his arm to steady him but he quickly pulled it away. "Ah, I'm fine." He quickly said as he brushed himself off, before standing up straight to look at you.

He stood frozen in place for a second, a light blush visible on his cheeks. You both stood in silence for a second and you gulped at the sudden awkward atmosphere. You attempted to lighten the mood by giving him a twirl
"How do I look?" You joked as the overly long hoodie sleeves flopped around.
'i would probably react the same way if I saw him wearing my clothes...' you thought to yourself as your mind wandered back to that bunny outfit.

Red Velvet's voice quickly banished that thought from your mind. His tone was a lot softer than usual, and his eyes were darting around the room, avoiding looking at you. "I-it looks really good on you." He began, "well, it's a bit big, I can see if I can find anything smaller..." He glanced over to the wardrobe that was plastered top to bottom with pictures of dogs (mostly Chiffon of course)

"No!" You exclaimed, waving your hands in front of you. Or more accurately, the sleeves.
"I mean no, I like this." You reassured him, wrapping your arms closely to your chest as if he would try and take the hoodie away from you.
He looked slightly embarassed once again "Well okay, do what you want." He huffed, although he still couldn't look you in the eye and you could swear you saw the corners of his mouth twitch faintly with the ghost of a smile.

You both stood there in silence for another second. "So what do we do now?" You asked him, wondering what to do with the rest of the day.
He snorted "Well you were the one who insisted on staying." He pointed out.

'I hate when people are right' you thought to yourself.

'but I don't really want to go anywhere..."

"Oh! Why don't we play 20 questions!" You suggested, clasping your hands together at your own genius idea.
Since Red Velvet was still somewhat of a mystery to you.

His eyebrows furrowed and he thought deeply for a second before hesitantly agreeing. "I guess I have nothing better to do..." He mumbled.

"Great!" Your excitement took over for a second and you grabbed his right hand without thinking about it. "Let's sit over there-" you pointed towards the bed with your other hand and made to pull him over towards it.

"Wait, y/n!" His voice sounded panicked for a second and you turned to see his eyes wide and panicked and his feet planted firmly on the floor.

At the same time you heard a clicking sound and you lurched forward as the resistance holding you back suddenly disappeared. You stumbled and looked down at your hand, confused, to find that Red Velvet's hand was still firmly in yours. In fact, you held his entire right arm, no longer connected to his body.
You screamed and spun around in a panic to see Red Velvet still standing by the door, his sleeve hanging empty by his side and a shocked look plastered across his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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