Raspberry Reprise

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"Okay so let me get this straight, you found a lost dog and it just HAPPENED to be his? That's no coincidence Y/N... That's fate telling you he's the one!!" Parfait exclaimed as she dramatically flopped down on your bed.
"And he even hugged you goodbye! I'm so happy for you!"

You blushed slightly "We're not like... A thing yet though," you pointed out, "also, remind me why Raspberry is also here?" You raised an eyebrow and gestured to the other girl sitting on the bed next to Parfait.
Raspberry looked up from where she was braiding Parfait's hair and shrugged "Moral support?" She offered with a shrug. "Anyway sounds like this guy really likes you, maybe you should make a move?"

"Eh, your advice beats Parfait's at the moment," you said with a slight laugh, as Parfait protested with a look of fake offence plastered on her face. "Hey! I still think staking out his house is a good idea and not creepy at all." She said, crossing her arms and pouting.

"...Okay babe," Raspberry patted her head.

"Um, yeah not gonna happen." You rolled your eyes. "I would like to see him again though..." Your face heated up as you remembered the last time you saw him, and the feeling of his arms enveloping you filled your thoughts. "ahhH no I can't face him!!" You exclaimed, leaning forward in your desk chair and letting your head fall in your hands. "Why is having a crush on someone so embarrassing!"

Parfait and Raspberry just laughed at your misery. "Stay strong Y/N, you just gotta fight your nerves and get what you want!!" Raspberry told you confidently, you assumed she was trying to be motivational.

"Is that what you were doing when you cried after I asked you out-" Parfait began before Raspberry clamped a hand over her mouth, her cheeks flushing to match the colour of her long red hair. "That's irrelevant!" She said, flustered.

Although she couldn't talk with the hand over her mouth, the amusement glittering in Parfait's eyes was clear.

"Anyway Y/N, it seems like you're stressing over this, maybe you just need to do something to take your mind off it," Raspberry suggested as she finally released Parfait. "I'm sure the Red Velvet situation will work itself out, no point in stressing over it too much."

'Easy for you to say...' you thought to yourself as you looked at her arm that was currently slung around Parfait's shoulders.

"Ooh! I have the perfect thing!!" Parfait exclaimed as she sat up excitedly. "My friend Twizzly is throwing a huge party tomorrow night. We should all go, i've heard it's gonna be crazy!" Her eyes sparkled as she looked at you expectantly.

Although you had been to your fair share of college parties, they didn't measure up to the legends of Twizzly's that you had heard floating around your Uni classes. You had heard from the rumour mill that she lived in a HUGE mansion, and that whenever she threw a party (which was often), a lot of crazy shit happened.
For example, you heard that someone got electrocuted there once, and a completely unrelated rumour that the pool was completely filled to the brim with vodka cranberry. Apparently sometimes the music was so loud that you could hear it a mile away.

Although none of these things sounded like your idea of fun, or any sane person's for that matter, you had to admit you were slightly curious to see if these rumours were true.

You mulled it over for a moment longer. "Okay, I'll come! I have nothing to do tomorrow so might as well check out this party." You said offhandedly, trying to mask your excitement.

"Yay! Omg this is gonna be so fun!" Parfait exclaimed as she ran straight over to your wardrobe and began rifling through all your clothes. "Yeesh Y/N... Maybe I can lend you something?" She winced as she looked through your closet that was filled with, admittedly, the opposite of 'party' clothes. After all, photographers weren't exactly known for having glamourous outfits...

"I don't remember this being a part of the deal..." You said dryly as you witnessed your poor wardrobe being scrutinised. Parfait just ignored you as she threw clothes around the room.
"By the way, Y/N, could I have your phone a minute? I'll note down the details for tomorrow!" She said, with the slightest hint of a mischievous expression on her face.

Immediately suspicious, you handed over your phone reluctantly. "Okay but don't do anything weird..." You told her as you side eyed her grinning face.

Parfait gave you an innocent smile as she began typing on your phone. "But of course my darling Y/N, I won't do anything except make a note of the details! andmaybeotherthingsyouwillthankmeforlater" she quickly muttered under her breath as she locked your phone and handed it back to you.

You searched through your notes suspiciously, and just like she said, Parfait had made a note of the details of the party. 'She's a strange one...'

As you searched through your phone for suspicious Parfait activity, Red Velvet had all but slipped your mind, replaced by your nerves and excitement for the party tomorrow.

Authors note:
Short chapter because I have so much work to finish for a deadline in like a few days 😭 but I just think Parfait and Raspberry is a cute ship and they deserve to be happy ❤️ And Twizzly is Twizzly Gummy Cookie if it wasn't obvious ajdjk, I just feel like she would throw the most insane parties that people would talk about for years after 😳🎉

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