Parfait slay

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The first thing you noticed when you entered your small apartment was the smell of burning. Curious, you slowly peeked your head into the kitchen and qere greeted with the chaotic sight of your roommate, Parfait, furiously waving a towel at the smoke alarm, while a charred pile of what you were assuming were once cookies sat sadly smoking on the counter.

"Ah, Y/n! You're home! I was gonna give you these cookies to apologize that I wasn't available to help with your shoot but... well."
She trailed off sheepishly with a glance at the state of carnage the kitchen was currently in.
"You could say I got a little absorbed in the song lyrics I was writing"

There was a moment of stunned silence before you both burst out laughing.
"Parfait this is the fourth time this YEAR"
You managed to wheeze out as you began to help the white haired diva clear up the kitchen.
"And seriously don't worry about being busy this weekend, I actually found someone earlier who's willing to help, He's perfect for the shoot!"

Parfaits head snapped towards you at the speed of light
"Is he cute?" She asked, her eyes glittering.
"Y- wait Parfait it's not like that I just need him for the shoot!" You spluttered, waving your hands in front of you.

"You NEED him you say? AHHH y/n has a date this weekend!~" She said in a singsong voice as she danced around the kitchen.
"No! It's not-" you began, but you were immediately cut off at the sound of your phone chiming from the table.

"IS THAT HIM?" Parfait squealed and dived for your phone, but you quickly grabbed it and held it out of reach. You fought Parfait off with one hand and opened the text with the other.

Red Velvet: Hey it's hot topic guy, could you send me the details for this weekend?

Y/N: Sure, thank you so much for helping me out! Just meet me at the Hollyberry campus at 1pm, it should only take a few hours and I'll pay you for your time! :)

Red Velvet: Okay, I'll be there.

Y/N: Great, looking forward to it!

Red velvet: :)

It's a wonder the neighbors didn't complain with the bloodcurdling screech Parfait let out. "Oh my gosh it's totally a date! Look he sent you a smiley! That's so cute, my little y/n is finally growing up" She gushed and wiped a fake tear from her eye. You just rolled your eyes.

"Come on, this kitchen isn't gonna clean itself!" You said, changing the subject as you scraped the burned mass of dough into the bin. 'its definitely not a date. Just because he's kinda cute, and I'm spending three hours with him this weekend, that doesn't make it a date. This is purely for my course work.' you thought to yourself, as you spent the evening pointedly ignoring Parfait's giggles and knowing looks.

Emo boy - Red velvet cookie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now