Fishnets and bunny ears

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You waited restlessly in the campus courtyard, looking out for a mass of red and black hair. It was 10 minutes before the time you had told him to be there, but you didn't want to seem unprofessional by keeping him waiting (and maybe you were a little excited too). You fidgeted with the camera around your neck, aimlessly messing with the settings that you knew were already perfect.

You suddenly registered the sound of someone clearing their throat, and you looked up to see that Red Velvet was already standing over you. Somehow, you hadn't even noticed him approach! You stood up a bit too quickly, your face only a few inches from his. You took in his bright blue eyes, framed perfectly by surprisingly thick eyelashes, and in the split second before he took a step back you noticed a light sprinkle of freckles across his tan cheeks, only visible at such a close distance.

You screamed internally at yourself for making this awkward in the literal first three seconds of him arriving, but put on your most professional photographer face and motioned towards the studio that was just across the courtyard.
"Hi, Red Velvet was it? Shall we get started?" You said as you avoided eye contact and set off towards the studio.

"..." He just wordlessly followed you across the courtyard. 'damn is he just shy or..?' you thought to yourself as you unlocked the studio. "Not a very talkative one are you?" You jokingly said as you held open the door for him.

"Sorry, I'm just... Maybe a little nervous, I've never done this before," Red Velvet said quietly. "Besides, you never even told me your name" he scoffed. "And then you practically beg me to come here this weekend and that you'll pay me for my time, you can't tell me that isn't at least a little bit shady." He pointed out, eyebrows raised.

"... Okay maybe you have a point, sorry if I got a bit overexcited while you were trying to work," you smiled at him sheepishly, "and my name is Y/N, I'm a photography student here at Hollyberry University! You'll be helping me with a project today, it's super easy I swear! I just need you to put on an outfit and do a few poses, is that okay?"

"I guess that's fine, as long as you're paying me i really couldn't care less what I have to wear, put me in a bunny suit for all I care" he joked with a deadpan expression.

You would remember that for later.

As you talked, you led him into a room with a large white backdrop set up, along with several different lights. Along each wall were racks overflowing with different clothes and costumes, with everything from renaissance ballgowns to high fashion to sci fi. You started rifling through the costumes to find the outfit you had stashed there earlier.

"Oh! Also how do you feel about wearing makeup? You don't have to if you're allergic or you aren't comfortable, I just think it'll look cool in the photos!" You asked him hopefully.
"Yeah that's fine, go wild." he shrugged. For someone who seemed so aloof at first, he was a surprisingly chill model.

You spotted your outfit on the rack, but something next to it caught your eye. You held in your laughter and put on a cool expression as you pulled out a pair of bunny ears and fishnets and slowly turned around to your unsuspecting model.
"You can't be serious-" Red Velvet started protesting with an expression of complete disbelief and slight panic, but before he could even finish you burst out laughing, not being able to hide your glee any longer.
"I-I WAS JOKING I'M SORRY" you managed to splutter out as you threw the outfit back onto the rack and gripped onto it for support. "I-I'm so sorry but- your face just then."

"Alright thanks for having me, suddenly I have to leave" Red Velvet stood up, his cheeks flushed a slight red.
"No wait I'm sorry come back I'm not gonna make you wear it!" You said, still giggling at your own joke. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down and pulled out a red leather jacket and a few other accessories. "Okay here's the real outfit, it's normal I swear." You said as you handed him the outfit, eyes still shining with mirth.

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