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"So...Carina. What house are you hoping for?" The sorting hat asked. "Whatever house my parents were in," I thought. "As both were Slytherin, as McGonngall knows, it would only make since," he said to me. "SLYTHERIN!" He shouted to the school. The Slytherin table cheered and screamed with delight. The other houses merely clapped. But Griffindoor table stood silent. I happily skipped over to Slytherin table. But then I thought about what the hat had said. 'As both were Slytherin, as McGonngall knows,'.... 'As McGonngall knows?!' I thought. I stood up from the table and ran to the headmistress. "Who are they?!" I demanded. "Carina McGonnall! Sit down right now!" She ordered. "DO NOT CALL ME MCGONNGALL! THATS NOT MY REAL LAST NAME!" I shouted. No one could hear over the loud talking though. "WHO ARE THEY?!" I repeated. "Who are who?" She asked looking at me angrily. "WHO ARE THEY?!" I shouted at her. A random kid from Slytherin then yelled, "HEY GUYS LOOK! THAT IDIOT FIRST YEAR IS YELLING AT THE HEADMISTRESS!". "WHO ARE MY REAL PARENTS! THE SORTING HAT SAID YOU KNEW THEM!" I screamed. The crowd fell silent. "GO TO YOUR COMMON ROOMS!" She ordered. Everyone quickly left and soon it was just me, Snape, and McGonngall. "TELL ME!" I growled. "Your father doesn't remember you," she said whispering so Snape couldn't hear. "So I won't bother telling you that. But your mother is Narcissa Malfoy. You father is NOT Lucius though," she whispered. In my ear. To be honest, I didn't expect her to tell me that easily. I ran out of Hogwarts and to Malfoy Manor. It took four hours though. I knocked in the door. "Yes?" A tall woman looked down at me. She was beautiful. She had blonde and brown hair. She wore a dark green dress and wore the same color heels. "First of all, I just wanted to say, you a very beautiful," I complimented. She smiled and thanked me. "Second. I'm looking for someone named..." I liked at the paper I had written it on. "N-Nar-Kiss-ia Malfoy?" I asked. The woman giggled. "You mean Narcissa?"she smiled. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "What for?" She asked. "We'll it's complicated. I'd feel more comfortable only telling her," I said. "Well then go on and tell me. I am Narcissa," she got in her knees and was eye level with me. "What's your name by the way?" She asked. "Oh um... that's not really important," I said. "No really it's not wasting time," she smiled. I could tell she was very kind and liked to smiled... like a lot... a bit too much. "We'll, im Carina Malfoy. Im-im your daughter," I mumbled my name and the last word. "Sorry I couldn't hear you," she looked at me oddly. I took a deep breath. "Im Carina Malfoy. And I'm your daughter," I said a bit louder. She stared at me for a few seconds. "What was your name?" She asked. "And who took care of you. And.... How did you find out," she said slowly standing up. I told her everything about what happened at the great hall, and how Minerva said my father didn't remember me. Then I asked who Lucius was. "Lucius...Is my husband," she said to me. "He doesn't know about you. Only me and Minerva know," she said. "Why doesn't my father remember me?" I asked looking at the floor. "Your father...I erased his memories. He couldn't know... I wouldn't let him be in danger because of me. I erased Lucius's memories so he didn't know about you too," she said leaning against the doorway. "Who is my father?" I asked. "Severus Snape," she said turning away from me. "Why can't he have his memories back?!" I asked. "It's complicated Carina," she was trying to hide her feelings but a tear slid down her cheek. "Fine! I'll tell him myself!" I said running off. "CARINA WAIT!" She called. I stopped and turned behind me. She was on her knees and had her face in her hands. I felt bad and went up to her. I hugged my mother for the first time. "I'm sorry mom," I whispered. She slowly looked up at me to hug back. "Here," she gave me a small vial. "Show him this. Then tell him," she smiled. "Please," she kissed my forehead and went inside. This time I apparated back to Hogwarts. "FOLLOW ME!" I said. I grabbed Snapes hand and ran to the headmistress's office. "Let go of me!" He sneered. I kept running until we got into the office. "Sorry Minerva," I said. I dropped the water from the vial into the bowl. Look in there," I commanded. He rolled his eyes and looked inside. A few minutes later he looked at me. "Why did you show me this!" He shouted. "Because... you gave her a second chance. One to protect her child and keep her away from the dark path. I was that second chance," I said looking up at him.

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