•1• Crush

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Spencer couldn't wait for the school day to be over. She occasionally snuck glanced at Hanna to make sure she was doing okay on her work. Spencer usually didn't care for school, but today, she couldn't focus or pay attention which was unusual. She was sure no one would noticed, but when she finally heard someone calling out her name, she snapped back to reality.


Spencer heard some classmates giggle as the teacher gave her a stern look, "Pay attention, Spencer. This will be on your test on Friday."

"I am paying attention," Spencer retorted. She glanced out the window and bit her lip.

"Then what's up with this?" Her teacher asked.

"What?" Spencer looked back at her teacher, and moved her leg up and down.

Her teacher sighed before pointing her stick at Spencer, causing Spencer to flinch which didn't go unnoticed by a certain Blondie.

"Principal's office," her teacher demanded.



Spencer looked back down at her desk, willing herself not to cry. She usually wasn't like this. She got up and stormed out of the classroom, ignoring the giggles that erupted. Instead of going to the principal's office like she was supposed to, she went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Her hair was a mess, she had bags under her eyes, she looked like a zombie. Turning on the tap, she splashed herself with some water to try and wake herself up.

Spencer took out some pills from her bag and drank some of the water, than popped the pills in her mouth and swallowed. Grimacing, she walked out and to the principal's office.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Spencer sat in the principal's office, waiting for her parents to arrive. Her leg bounced up and down anxously and her lip quivered. To say she was scared was an understatement. She just wanted to get out of school before they arrived. She didn't even notice they arrived until her father gripped Spencer's arm tightly and pulled her up.

Spencer looked at her father who was speaking with the principal. When she turned to Veronica, she saw her mother staring hateful daggers at her. Spencer looked away, trying not to cry. Then her mind went elsewhere. Hanna. How was she doing? She wasn't the best when it came to school, and Spencer liked teaching her and correcting her; comforting her when she got sad . . . Her cute little eyes, her tiny smile, cute dimples, beautiful hair . . .


Spencer looked up and saw her father looking at her. "Time to go."

Spencer nodded and followed her parents out to the car. The whole ride, Spencer could only think of Hanna. She missed the blonde dearly, even though it has only been 2 hours. Was she . . . No. She can't be in love. Spencer's a girl, she's a girl. This can't work. Her parents would get mad. She isn't perfect. Spencer shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts. When she looked outside, she took note of the birds and bees. Even the butterflied and cute foxes, cute bunnies. They all had some love. Spencer hoped she could find someone to love.

Spencer hopped out of the car when they got home and trodded inside before her father grabbed her arm.


Spencer turned to look at him, and sure enough, he had that scary father look.

"What's wrong with you?" Peter yelled.

Spencer looked towards her mother and she was gesturing her to answer his question. Spencer sighed and looked at her father, "Nothing."

"This isn't nothing," Peter growled. "Sleeping in class, getting in trouble, B's on tests?!"

Spencer shrugged and sighed, "I'm just tired."

"Tired of what?!" Peter asked with a very stern tone.

"You!" Spencer snapped back. "You always tell me how to act, how to dress, how to look, how to do everything! I try to be perfect, okay?! I really do! But I can't if you're never satisfied with anything I do! I get that Melissa is the perfect golden-child who gets everything she wants, and I don't care! I don't care that I'm the hated child who gets nothing! I just don't want Melissa to get hurt or feel the same pain I do. So just leave me alone and go take your precious daughter to Flying Squirrel!"

Peter opened his mouth to speak but closed it as no words came out. Balling up his fists, he pushed Spencer to the wall and pinned her, looking at her in the eyes. "You have no right to speak to me like that!" was all he said before punching her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After what felt like an eternity of pain, Spencer strolled back up to her room and collapsed on the floor. She grabbed her pillow and curled up into a ball, ignoring the texts she recieved from God knows who. She didn't care to talk to anyone right now. She sat up and looked into her mirror. She had a black eye and her lip was bleeding. Her father made sure to hide the other bruises where people can't see. If anyone were to ask, she can say she got her bruises from . . . falling down the stairs. I know, classy, but hey, her stairs are pretty dangerous. She looked into her dresser and took out a notebook. She never used it, but now she could.

I am writing today, finally, about someone in school. Her name is Hanna Marin. She's one of my best friends and all I can think about is her. She's cute, funny, bubbly, says whatever's on her mind... Right now, all I wish for right now is to be in her arms, cuddling her.

Spencer was about to right more until she realised what she was writing about. This is why she's been acting strange? She has a crush on this cute girl she's known for years? Spencer quickly shut her book and slid it under her bed. Sitting back up, she grabbed her phone and looked through the texts.

Missed Call From Hanna

Spencer im worried

Hey spence call me

Spencer u ok?

Spencer's hands shook as she stared at the texts. She quickly unlocked her phone and started texting back.

Hanna, I'm okay.

Spencer!!!! Wat hapend?!?!?!

My parents got mad that I got sent to the office.

Well r u ok?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Wan come ovr?

Yes, she did.

No, I can't. Sorry.

Plz tell me they didnt ground u 2

Something like that.

Hey Spencer I'll sneak u out and u can tell me evrthing

Okay, sounds great.

Spencer shook her head. She absolutely didn't want to anger her parents more or tell Hanna anything, but she wanted so desperately to cuddle her, to smell that sweet perfume. Her lotion. Her hair . . . Everything. She smiled slightly and got ready for Hanna's arrival.

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