•3• Lie or Truth?

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Spencer sat down on Hanna's bed with the blonde sitting next to her.

"Okay, Spence," Hanna said, looking towards Spencer with a stern expression. "Pretend I'm your therapist. What's bothering you?"

Spencer smirked and started laughing. Hanna frowned, "What?"

"You're ridiculous trying to be a therapist!" Spencer laughed and Hanna playfully hit Spencer on the arm, causing Spencer to flinch.

"Spence," Hanna sighed. "Cooperate. Pretend I'm Dr. Sullivan."

"Okay, okay," Spencer said. "Lots is bothering me."

"Like what?" Hanna asked, but when Spencer looked closer, it actually did look like Sullivan so it was easier to talk to.

"Like . . ." Spencer twiddled with a piece of her hair before answering, "Home life is a wreck, school isn't going so great, personal problems, ect."

Hanna jotted down all this information on a notebook. "Care to elaborate? How is home life a wreck?"

Spencer shrugged and looked down at her feet. "They found out I'm into this pretty lady."

Hanna's stomach dropped. Spencer was gay? And already liked someone . . . ? Wow . . . Hanna shrugged it off for now, but it was killing her so she asked, "Who's this pretty lady?"

Spencer twiddled her thumbs and sighed, "Hanna. Hanna Marin."

Hanna's eyes went wide as she mentally squealed with glee, but had to keep therapying her, as Hanna would say. "What did your parents do when they found out?"

Spencer shrugged. She knew her parents wouldn't want Spencer to say anything, and a little lie couldn't hurt, right? "They told me to go to my room and they'd talk about my relationships."

Hanna nodded in understanding. "And what's up with school? What's going on?"

"Just the fact that I can't stop thinking about Hanna and staring at her." Spencer chuckled before sighing. "Got sent to the Principal's office for not paying attention, which I was, might I add. Then my parents got mad because I got in trouble. I feel like I'm ruining their reputation of being perfect."

"Spencer," Hanna said gently. "Nobody's perfect. Your family may seem it, but even families that seem perfect have personal problems that nobody knows about."

"That's an understatement," Spencer gave a dark chuckle before turning to the window. "Not all families are perfect, but some are better than others."

"Oh, Spencer," Hanna sighed. "Is there more to your family that your not telling me?"

Spencer shot her eyes back at Hanna and shook her head. "Nope. No, no, it's nothing."


Spencer looked at the clock and got up, "I think I should go."

"Spencer, no," Hanna grabbed Spencer's arm, causing her to flinch. "I've been wanting to ask for a long time. But I never got the chance. Now I do. Why do you always flinch whenever someone grabs or touches you, or yells or shouts, or anything?"

Spencer felt ringing through her ears and hot tears threatening to spill out. She wanted to tell Hanna, but for her sake, she didn't. Spencer didn't want Hanna to deal with her own family problems. She chokes in a sob as she drowned out everything around her. Everything was getting dizzy and Spencer was getting more paranoid. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned back around, noticing Hanna.

"Spence," Hanna said with teary eyes. "What's going on?"

Spencer shook her head and gave a fake smile, "Nothing."

"I know you, Spence," Hanna mumbled. "You keep avoiding questions about your family and what I asked you. Do you flinch . . . Does that have to do with part of your family issues? Do they —"

"No!" Spencer exclaimed a little too quickly. "I'm sorry, but no."

"Spencer, promise?" Hanna asked.

Spencer grabbed Hanna and leaned in, kissing her on the lips. Hanna was shocked but kissed Spencer back, enjoying it. Once they parted, Spencer gave a smile before leaving. Hanna stood there with shock and wonder. Guess Little Miss Perfect wasn't so straight after all. She snapped her attention back to reality when she heard her phone ring. Taking it out, she looked at the message.

Found yourself a girlfriend? I'll tell you what's been going on with her if you do something for me. Love you, Hannakins! Kisses -A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Spencer sat in her room. She was blushing at what just happened. She kissed Hanna. At her house. In the open. While she was pretending to be her therapist! Looking at her laptop, she recieved one new email.

What would Mommy and Daddy think if they found out their daughter was GAY? What would Hanna think if she found out Little Miss Not-So-Perfect lied to her? Just a warning. Kisses -A

Spencer gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists. A was just such a bitch. She wanted to get rid of A, but she didn't even know who all of the A's were. Mona. . . Cece? Shana. Toby . . . herself. She looked back at the computer and glared, receiving another text.

P.S. Would anyone care if you went missing? Or died? -A

Spencer felt tears drop from her eyes. A was right. Nobody would care that she'd gone missing. Maybe Hanna would. And Aria, Emily, too . . . All her friends. Her Dad and Mom sure would be happy to get rid of this disgrace and Melissa wouldn't need to fight with anyone anymore. She could be happy with her life. Looking back out the window, she knew what she had to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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