Author's note

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Im only writing this out of imagination and gayness bc that's what I am.

This is angst ig?? Idk but it's kinda sad :/

I don't know anything about the Korean education system so everything is based off of research. I also don't understand when the school year starts and ends so I'm using the Australian school year thingy bc I'm more familiar with that. Basically I mixed the education systems bc I don't know how it works in Korea and just reading websites don't really help me understand.

School year:
31 Jan - 8 April | Term 1
27 April - 1 July | Term 2 (End of semester 1)
19 July - 23 Sep | Term 3
10 Oct - 15 Dec | Term 4 (End of semester 2/end of school year)

Year levels:
Gaeul - 1st year in college
Yujin - 3rd year in high school
Rei - 3rd year in high school
Wonyoung - 2nd in high school
Liz - 2nd year in high school
Leeseo - 2nd year in middle school

The rest of Iz*one members are included in the story

This is a LizRei fan fic so this story focuses on them. It's in first person bc it's easier for me to describe things that way. The perspective will change from person to person.

Updates will probably be very slow and random depending on my mood. I also might end up ghosting for a few months bc Im lazy like that.


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