𝐈. The Sixth Hokage

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The Fourth Great Ninja War, a turbulent chapter in the history of the shinobi world, reached its poignant conclusion when Naruto and Sasuke achieved the extraordinary feat of imprisoning Kaguya Ōtsutsuki within the bounds of their formidable jutsu.

It was a day marked not only by triumph over ancient evil but also by the commemoration of Naruto's 17th birthday, an occasion suffused with heartfelt felicitations and well-wishing from friends and allies alike.

In the wake of these momentous events, Obito, the enigmatic figure whose role in the war was as complex as his past, found himself brought back to the embrace of his home, the Hidden Leaf Village, Konohagakure.

Yet, the scars of battle had left him grievously wounded, necessitating a protracted convalescence within the sterile walls of the village's hospital.

Upon his physical recovery, he faced the grim reality of temporary incarceration, a consequence of his involvement in the war's inception. In the shadowy confines of a prison cell, Obito counted three interminable days, his solitude occasionally pierced by the presence of an unexpected visitor: Kakashi.



"What brings you here?"

"I'm here to see you, obviously."


"What do you mean 'why'? Is it wrong to visit an old friend of mine?"

Obito's brows furrowed, a subtle manifestation of his reluctance to engage in conversation. "Of course not, but I'm detained here, so it's better for you to go away."

Kakashi, always one to mask his emotions behind a veneer of nonchalance, turned his gaze away, sensing Obito's cool detachment. "Don't give me the cold shoulder. Be a good boy and behave properly, okay?"

Obito's eyes rolled skyward, a visible sign of his exasperation, earning a wry chuckle from Kakashi. "Alright, alright, I'll go now."


Kakashi's eyes returned to Obito's gaze, inquiring, "Need something?"

"No, nothing. Never mind."

With a weary sigh, Obito lowered himself onto his makeshift cot, his face hidden in the scratchy confines of a prison-issue pillow. Kakashi observed for a moment, his words unspoken, before quietly departing.

In the continuum of days that followed, the Village hidden in the Leaves underwent a transformation of leadership, as Tsunade, the venerable Fifth Hokage, bequeathed her duties to Kakashi, who now bore the mantle of the sixth Hokage.

As this new era took root, Kakashi chose to extend an olive branch to his old comrade, altering the trajectory of Obito's incarceration from a month to a mere two weeks. With one week left in his enforced solitude, Kakashi embarked on yet another visit.

"Yo, Obito."

"Kakashi? You're the Hokage now, right?"

"Yes, indeed I am."

"I heard from the people who bring my food."

"I see."

"Where's your Hokage cloak?"

Kakashi's shoulders slumped, and he admitted, "I don't like it. I never wanted to be the Sixth Hokage in the first place, but Tsunade-sama insisted, and I couldn't refuse."

Obito retorted, "You still have to wear it. Stop being irresponsible." Obito's smirk danced at the edge of his lips.

"Shut up, Obito. Anyway, I'm here to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Kakashi held Obito's gaze, his words resonating with unexpected compassion. "I've reduced your jail time from one month to two weeks. You have one week left."

Obito's eyes widened in surprise. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to."

"It's unnecessary."

"Most people have forgiven you. You helped us in the end, and we don't need to detain you for too long."

Obito protested, his voice heavy with remorse. "I committed many crimes, Kakashi. I killed innocent people while in the Akatsuki, and I started the war, leading to more deaths."

With a reassuring nod, Kakashi assured him, "It's fine. You'll be free, but I'll keep an eye on you."

Obito questioned, "You will?"

"Yes. You'll stay at my house until we're certain you can live independently."

Obito reluctantly agreed, "Got it."

Kakashi concluded, his gaze filled with a subtle sense of duty. "I need to go. I have work to do."

Obito nodded, his eyes tracking Kakashi's retreating figure, a profound chapter in their intertwined destinies quietly continuing to unfold.

𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧, 𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗄𝖺𝗄𝖺. ✔Where stories live. Discover now