𝐗𝐕. I Love You

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December 31st, 9:45 PM...

Kakashi stood in his room, getting dressed. Across the hall, Obito was doing the same in his own room. The time had come. The long-awaited party was about to begin.

Kakashi's POV;

I really hope I won’t regret this. 
I still don’t understand why I agreed to go in the first place. I guess it was the look on Naruto’s face that made it impossible to refuse. Even though the war is behind us, the scars it left remain. So many families, friends, and comrades were lost.

Naruto… I know he’s still processing it all, still carrying the weight of his own pain. I couldn’t turn him down when he invited us. He was kind enough to include me and Obito. The least I can do is show up for him, let loose, and try to enjoy myself. 

And now that Obito is mine… maybe I’ll enjoy it even more. 

Obito's POV:

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so damn nervous? 
I’m going insane over here. 

Is it because I’ll be there as "Kakashi’s boyfriend"? Or is it the fear of how people will see me? After everything I’ve done, after all the lives I’ve destroyed… what if I ruin the whole night just by being there? 

Calm down, Obito. Take a deep breath. 
Don’t overthink it. 

Just go. Enjoy yourself. Be with the people who accept you. Be with the one person who makes you feel alive again. 

Have fun—with your dearest lover. 

Author's POV:

The two men stepped out of their rooms at the same time, their gazes locking immediately, unblinking.

“You look good, Kakashi,” Obito smirked as he walked toward the silver-haired man, his own nervousness masked by the playful tone.

Kakashi chuckled softly. “Just good?”

Obito gave him a playful smack on the head. “Yeah, just good. Be grateful I even gave you a compliment, brat.”

“Oh? Who you calling a brat? Wasn’t it you who—” 

Before Kakashi could finish, Obito smacked him again, striding away with a grin. “Better start walking before your pathetic ass makes us late!”

Kakashi sighed, laughing under his breath as he followed Obito out the door.

Time skip, near the Hokage Tower, at the field:

A few tents were set up on the field, filled with tables of food, drinks, fireworks, and firecrackers. As Kakashi and Obito approached, they were greeted by a familiar blonde running toward them, waving excitedly.

“You made it!” Naruto shouted, panting from his sprint.

“Of course, Naruto. We wouldn’t let you have all the fun without us,” Obito said, chuckling as Naruto smiled wide.

But as they continued talking, they noticed Kakashi had disappeared. Obito glanced around, spotting him rummaging through the food under one of the tents. He smiled to himself.

Naruto, however, was distracted by a familiar figure. “Oh! Sasuke's here!”

Before Obito could respond, Naruto dashed off toward his raven-haired friend, calling out, “Everyone’s under the farthest tent doing stuff!”

Obito laughed quietly to himself as he watched the energetic blonde run off.

Obito's POV:

Fun. That’s all I feel right now. Pure, unbridled fun. 

I thought Naruto’s friends and the people of Konoha would hate me, but they didn’t. They welcomed me warmly, inviting me to join in their activities like I belonged. 

We played with fireworks, laughing together under the breathtaking night sky, food and drinks in hand. It’s the happiest I’ve ever been. This is the best day of my life. 

Kakashi's POV:

I thought coming here would be a mistake. I was sure I’d regret it. 

But I was wrong. This has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time. 

I can’t even remember the last time I felt this happy… or the last time Obito did. I see the same spark in his eyes, the same glow he had when we were young, before everything fell apart. 

Seeing him happy… it makes me happy. Every moment of tonight is something I’ll cherish forever. 

Author's POV:

“Hey, Kakashi-sensei! Obito-san!”

A familiar voice called out. Sakura approached them, waving cheerfully.

“Sakura, everything alright?” Kakashi asked, tilting his head.

“Everything’s perfect! But we need you both to do something special for us.”

The two men exchanged confused glances. “What is it?” Obito asked.

Grinning, Sakura grabbed their arms and led them toward the crowd. “We all know you’re a couple! Show us something special for the New Year!”

Another voice chimed in—Ino, smiling mischievously. “Yeah! Do something for us!”

The crowd cheered in agreement. Hesitant but unable to refuse, Kakashi and Obito moved to the front of the group.

Despite all the eyes on them, they only had eyes for each other. Standing face to face, they smiled softly, hands intertwined. Obito’s eyes glistened with tears, and Kakashi’s brow furrowed in concern.

“Obito… why are you crying?” Kakashi asked gently, lifting Obito’s chin.

Obito didn’t respond with words. Instead, he leaned forward, pulling down Kakashi’s mask and brushing his lips against his lover’s. Tears still fell from his eyes, but Kakashi didn’t care. He kissed him back, deeply, tenderly. They lost themselves in the warmth of each other, oblivious to everything around them.

When they finally pulled away, Obito’s voice was soft, full of emotion. “I’m so grateful for everything, Kakashi. I know I’ve been difficult, but being here with you now… it’s all I’ve ever wanted. You’ve given me the happiness I never thought I’d find. I love you, Kakashi. More than words can say.”

Kakashi’s eyes widened, tears filling them. “I love you too, Obito.”

The tears came freely as they embraced, clinging to each other, Kakashi burying his face in Obito’s chest. But Obito didn’t mind—he didn’t care if his clothes were soaked with Kakashi’s tears.


The crowd cheered as the clock struck midnight. January 1st had arrived.

As the cheers echoed around them, Obito spoke once more, his voice barely above a whisper. “Kakashi, I can see it in your eyes. You love me just as much as I love you. I’ll never doubt that. Not for a second. You’re mine, and I’m yours. Always.”

Kakashi’s voice cracked, full of emotion. “I’ve always wanted a partner, someone to build a future with. I never thought I’d find that in you, but now that I have, I’ll never let you go. I love you, Obito Uchiha. My only one.”

The tears subsided, replaced with radiant smiles as they stood together, basking in the joy of the moment, surrounded by the people who had become their family.

𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧, 𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗄𝖺𝗄𝖺. ✔Where stories live. Discover now