Chapter Twenty-eight

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A/N; sorry to keep you waiting guys!


Mew's POV;

My mate is sleeping soundly in my arm, he fell asleep as we travel home. His swollen eyes tell me that that he cried a lot and it's because of his mother.

We never had a chance to face my mate's family and that's my shortcomings. I should talk to them at the very beginning but many things came up that I forget about it.

What I hate the most is to see him in pain, his tears because of agony and disappointment. I don't want him to get hurt.

I have to settle the matters about his family before another problem occurred. I have to prepare because it seems that danger is looming around the corner.

"It's Tharn"

My heart skips a beat every time I remember what Tong said to me.

Worries piling up for my clan and my mate.


I watch his back, gone slowly as he closed the door. I just woke up and I felt like I had trauma after seeing him dripping blood just to save my father. I don't even want to let go of his hand but he assures me that everything is fine.

As the door shut fully behind him, I took a deep breath and give my attention to Tong and Zee that still has a visible bruise on his cheek.

"Mind link someone to follow my mate, " I ask Tong and he nods to agree.

I still had a bad feeling but I know Natharine want to give me privacy while talking with my alphas. His smiling face puts me in a calm demeanor but my mind didn't want to let go of the thoughts that I might lose him anytime.

I shake my head and heave a sigh. I have to trust him and besides, he is inside the hospital- our hospital.

"Head alpha, " I heard Tong's voice call at me.

I look at him and signal him to talk.

He glances at Zee and the man nods at him as if telling him to talk.

"What's the matter? " I asked " and don't call me head alpha, it's not official yet. " I reprimanded him but he just smirked.

"Knowing Uncle Lexin, I'm sure he is celebrating now that he finally passed on that title to his son. " Tong answered and laugh.

"So you're here just to remind me of my new responsibility? " I asked again that made his laugh turn into a serious face though he knows that I am just joking.

His seriousness brings confusion, the glances that he shared with Zee are meaningful.

"Tong..." I look at him with my wolf eyes and he knows what that means. He had to submit and tell me everything.

He took a deep breath.

"We found out who poison the head alpha, and we just find it out accidentally. " Tong said that made my eyes look at him then to Zee.

I move my body to sit up, I sign Tong to continue as I remove my hospital gown to change into my shirt.

"It's him, Mew. " Zee said and even I'm not looking at them I know they keep sharing glances.

"Whose 'HIM'? " I face them and their faces answer my question.

"It's Theo, " Tong replied in a low voice as if he don't want me to hear it.

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