Chapter Thirty

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A/N; mention of blood and killings, please be advised.


Natharine's POV;

Saint left with a wide smile plastered on his lips, the taunting glances he shared with our friends made me laugh. I called Butler Greg to meet him outside the gate, the place is wide and the wolf warriors are alert for new faces that visited the mansion.

I walk him to the door but my eyes notice the glaring and meaningful glances from the outside. I look around and eerie feelings creep over my whole being.

"Something's not right. " I said almost in a whisper but Bright catch my words.

He look at me and I sign him to follow me inside the kitchen but my body stiffen when I saw the man sitting on the far corner giving a signal to a man outside.

A thumbs up with two fingers pointed out and a closed palm with the thumb on top of the knuckles.

My eyes went wide

Power to kill?

I pull Bright and drag him faster inside the kitchen, my heart beats crazily.

"Prepare to fight, " I said that made him shocked.

He looks at me with confusion and I make the hand signal that I saw earlier.

"Power to kill? With who? By whom? " He bombarded me with a question while looking at the door.

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling while looking at them. " I answered.

"You mean they were here inside the shop? " His eyes went wide when I nod my head.

"Stay here, I will observe outside. Mind link the head alpha, just in case," he said and turn away and out of the kitchen.

I took a deep breath

My heart still pounding

I didn't move in my spot, I just standstill heightened my senses.

Minutes passed,

Bright came in and shake his head. He looks worried at me but I just nod my head to assure him that I'm fine.

No! That hand signal and the way they communicate through their eyes. I can tell that they are part of the group.


"Just relax, Nat. Why don't you go home- "

Bright was cut off when a horrifying scream was heard outside, along with a loud sound of an object that fall.

"Call Saint! " I stride towards the door but he pulls me.

"Nat, you should go! " Bright said but I glared at him.

Our eyes went wide when Mild's scream echoed outside.

"Call Saint! Now! " I pull my hand away from him and run towards the waiting door.

The moment I step outside, a gun is pointed in my head.

I froze and I look at the person who is grinning at me.

"What do you want? " I ask.

He whistles and laughter echoed around.

Some customers are squirming at the corner, trembling in fear.

"Feisty omega, " He said, his eyes were changing in brown and yellow.

"Let the others go, " I calmly said, scanning the area to find Mild.

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