𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚕𝚎 {𝙽𝙲𝚃 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖} - 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚍

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Request by 31LouisTomlinson31


Chenle pov

"No, no no!!" My eyes shot open and I woke up in a cold sweat. I shivered as I tried to catch my breath and calm myself back down. While closing my eyes to gain my composure, I saw the vision again. It was the same thing every night. No matter what I did I would still see it. I tried sleeping pills, sleeping somewhere else, not sleeping at all, basically everything under the sun but nothing seemed to work. The only thing I hadn't tried yet was sleeping with someone else, preferably Jisung, but I was too scared to ask. I knew if I asked then everyone would ask why I needed to sleep next to someone and I didn't want to tell them that. I don't want any of them to worry more than necessary and it was very embarrassing. I'm a grown man and I shouldn't still be getting nightmares. I'm just glad that I don't share a room with anyone so I never wake anyone up. It also takes me a very long time to fall asleep at night. Nothing seems to work and I think the lack of sleep is finally catching up to me. After I wake up from a nightmare, I'm always too scared to fall back asleep on the off chance that I get another one. In the end, all of this results in me getting about two or on a good night about three hours of sleep. I'm exhausted to say the least.

I slowly opened my eyes once again and tried to adjust to my surroundings. I knew where I was, I've been in my room millions of times, but it always felt like a completely new place at first. Slowly, the objects in my room started to look familiar. I saw the lamp that I've spent long nights under trying to finish writing lyrics. I saw the stuffed dolphin toy that Jisung gifted me for my birthday for the reason that my screaming and laughing sounds like one. I sighed in relief once everything turned back to normal. Just another day, I thought.
I took a peek over at my alarm clock and noticed the time, 3:07 AM. That was definitely not the ideal time to wake up, especially considering I could only have fallen asleep around 1 in the morning. Groaning, I shoved my head into my pillow out of exhaustion. I am so sick of this, so sick and tired of it. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. It needs to end, and soon.


"Ya!! Ya!! Are you staying back to practice longer?" Jisung excitedly ran up to me not long after practice officially ended. It was an intense practice, at least it felt like it was for me. I kinda noticed I was more out of breath than everyone else, so I tried taking small sips of water to conceal my weariness. We were grabbing all of our belongings before going in the van to arrive at home.

Thinking about Jisung's question, I wasn't planning on it, actually, I was planning on doing the exact opposite and going home to try to get a nap, but how can one say no to the maknae? "Yeah, I will." I replied. "We're not going to stay too much longer though. I've really been craving kimchi and eggs so I want to make them when we get home."

"You want to go home for kimchi and eggs?" Jisung quirked his head in inquisition.

"Yes, that was the plan."

"Well, we better not stay too long because now you've got me craving them." He giggled and flashed me his signature smile. Jisung never fails to put me in a good mood, no matter how drained I feel.

"I think we better get started then. We can't waste any time." I walked over to the speaker and plugged in my phone. Before pressing play on the song we were working on, Hot Sauce, I jogged out of the room to talk to the other members who had already started to leave. "Mark Hyung!! Jisung and I are staying a little longer. Don't bother saving any food for us, we're planning on making our own." I shouted down the hall to them. Everyone was already on their way to the van so I had to raise my voice for them to hear.

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