𝚃𝚊𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗 {𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛𝙼} - 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛

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Request by my sister

TW: Panic attack

As a band that is composed of members from five separate groups, we haven't grown the closest. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my bandmates. But, with all of our separate promotions, either solo or in our other band (or bands if you're talking about Mark) we haven't really gotten to spend quality time together and become a family, even from the beginning. This led us to what I like to call 'The SuperM Super Mega Sleepover'!! We all decided to spend a night together in Kai's apartment and each picked a fun activity to do. We also wanted to hang out as a band because Mark had sprained his ankle and was too crowded by the dreamies (Ahem, Haechan's craziness) in their own dorm.

Our first planned activity was requested by Lucas. A snack run. We went to a local gas station and started to stock up on every possible snack we could eat during the night. Our plan was to have them to eat during the movie that Taeyong picked out. 

"Oh!! Hyungs, they have watermelon gummies. Can we get them?" Mark shouted excitedly.

"Lower your voice, Mark." Baekhyun said as he pushed the shopping cart around the corner. "We're in a public place."

"Yeah, like the only other person here cares." Kai snorted. Everyone looked over at the teenage worker behind the counter. His red splotchy face was resting against his arms as he was sprawled over the register in slumber.

"He has a point." I said as Kai and I chuckled at the worker.

The distraction caused everyone to forget about Mark's question. I saw him look at everyone as they started to walk away towards a different aisle. He was still holding the brightly colored bag of gummies with a slightly disappointed look on his face. I took them from his hand and discreetly put them in the cart that Baekhyun was still pushing while he was animatedly talking to Taeyong about something or another.

I turned around and walked back to Mark, seeing his face light up at my sneaky action. I was determined to become the 'cool hyung' for all my dongsaengs. Coming from a band where I am the maknae, I wanted to be the one giving for once. I knew that no one here would really care if we got the gummies or not, it's not like Mark had already grabbed his share of food. But, I felt the urge to come off as the hyung who Mark liked the best so I wanted to seem like the person who let him have what he wants. I winked at him as I grabbed his arm and helped him hobble to where everyone else was gathered. "Thank you." he whispered. I knew it wasn't just for the gummies, or even for helping him walk with his injury. He was thanking me for being his hyung. I shot him a small smile before we reached everyone else.

"Taemin hyung, did you get all the snacks you wanted? I didn't really see you put any in the cart. You too, Mark." Taeyong asked us.

I answered while making eye contact with Mark. "Yeah, I think so."

"Alright then." He replied. "Let's check out and get back to the apartment."

We walked over to the register where Ten and Lucas were poking the sleeping worker. I could hear Baekhyun nagging them for being so childish, but I knew that he was enjoying it too.

I'm glad to be with these people again. It feels like the only time I'm with all of them is when we're promoting a new SuperM album. Everyone else gets to see each other more often since they're in some of the same bands, but I'm the only SHINee member here. I've always felt a little disconnected from the rest of SuperM because of this, but I didn't want to admit it. I'm the second oldest, I shouldn't feel like I'm not a part of them. It's immature, something a maknae would think. But, I'm not the maknae in SuperM. I'm a hyung, so I better act like it.

"Hey, hyung." I snapped out of it and turned towards the voice. "You ready to go?" Mark looked up to me and said. His big, clear eyes looking at me in sincerity. I nodded and continued helping him walk out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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