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Aiden felt his back was getting caressed gently, making him pursed his lips in satisfaction. He could hear people faintly talking around him but his eyes were too heavy to open.

Until a loud smacking noise echoing throughout the room. Shouts and curses words reached Aiden's ear, making him startled awake.

"U-uh?" Aiden try to move his body, but it seems that he was wrapped in a blanket like a burrito at the moment. He went panic, realising he was in an unfamiliar environment with fights going on. Aiden struggles to move, but a pair of hands caught him.

"Don't worry kitten. Hudson will settle them in a short time." Jacky said in a soft voice to Aiden. However, Aiden was completely confused, he seems to jot recognise the voice at all. "Who-who are you?" He asked clutching his fist.

"Oh! How rude of me! I'm Jacky Lee from Ansan. We are here to do business." Jacky told him kindly, contrast to groans that emitting from the fight happened near them.

"W-Why am I here? *Cough*" Aiden rubbed his itchy eyes as he asked. His throat feels sore, and his body feels weak.

"We found you half conscious outside this place, so we brought you in and give you medicine." Jacky slowly leaned the glass on Aiden's mouth. Which, the blind boy felt grateful for the care he received. "That's so dangerous kitten! You could have been kidnapped by bad guys and force into prostitution or something!" Jacky scolded him while his fingers tracing Aiden's face.

"I-I'm sorry...I want to go back home, but maybe I made wrong turns and my head was clouded. And- thank you for helping me..." Aiden said with a trembling voice. He felt embarrassed and fear. 'Why can't I do anything properly? If it's not these boys I might have been in a bad state already.' Aiden thought.

"That's okay kitten. I will take care of you." Jacky kissed Aiden's cheek. The smaller boy just nodded shyly.

"We will take care of him too." Hudson said in a calm voice as he wiped his bloody knuckles with a tissue.

"Don't hog him alone Jacky." Channing said with a click of tongue.

Now that the two people spoke, Aiden noticed the earlier loud noise of many people groaning have disappeared. Likely they all fled away.

Aiden take this chance to thank them all. "Umm...thank you for helping me. I *cough* a-appreciate it a lot." Aiden said facing the voices.

"Don't worry. We just want to make sure you are safe." Hudson ruffled Aiden's hair. "You still have a fever. Just rest here, and after we are done, we will bring you back home." Hudson said in gentle and calm voice. It was a monotone voice, but an affectionate tone can be heard.

"So what's your name babe?" Channing asked as he brought a piece of cold fruit to Aiden's mouth.

'Apple...' Aiden chew the sliced apple, his cheeks bulged like a chipmunk. His plump pink lips moistened making Channing swallow his saliva. "I'm...Aiden Kim." The blind boy told Channing as he still chewing the sweet fruit.

"Ah. What a lovely name." Channing replied. He cut more of the apples to feed Aiden. He felt so content seeing Aiden eating the fruit with a happy face.

"What's your name?" Aiden tilted his head. The two males then introduced themselves. They were all over Aiden, spoiling the tiny boy to the bits.

Suddenly, the door opened catching the attention of the boys. "You've come." Hudson said to the newcomer. Aiden kept quiet and listening to their conversation.

"We've heard a lot about you. Legend of the 1st generation. You're as tall as they say you are. Nice to meet you Mr. James Lee." Hudson reach out his hand for a handshake. The new guy wear a black hoodie over his head and a headphone.

A big hand with blue nails reached for Hudson's. The mysterious man pulled down his hood and kissed the back of Hudson's palm. "Yeah. Nice to meet you too." The face of the guy revealed to be Daryl. Aiden, who was listening all the time furrowed his eyebrows. He felt like the voice was too familiar to him. But maybe because of the fever, he can't think properly.

"Channing." Hudson looked at his hand stained with lipstick because of the kiss. "He is not James Lee. It's not the voice I heard on the phone."

Channing was having Aiden on his lap. Aiden was straddling Channing, with the blanket still wrapped around him. His face was in the crook of Channing's tattooed neck. The tall boy's palm was placed on Aiden's butt. "What the...You said you were the 1st generation legend. We are only here to meet him." Channing tapped Aiden's butt unconsciously. As a respond, Aiden squirmed feeling his delicate place was teased. "Cha-Channing..." Aiden's breath fanning his skin, making the taller guy felt a tent rising on his pants.

Jacky suddenly appeared on top of Daryl's shoulder. "You must be an imposter. Guys, can I do whatever I want?" Jacky still have a smile on his face, but a dangerous aura enveloped him contrast to his cute face.

"WAIT! STOP EVERYONE!" A new face appeared from the door with a desperate expression. "I'm Doyle Hwang of Dongtan!"

Channing tilted his head. "I think he come once before."

"Yes! That's me! We've met once before I went to prison!" Doyle replied.

Channing hummed. "I remember. Si what about Dongtan and you doing here?" Doyle's face turned serious. "The thing is...Dongtan need a leader.

Soon, everyone sit down to talk. Aiden was still on Channing's lap, feeling so comfortable with the warmth the tattooed guy emitted.

"I'm Daryl Hong. I'm here as a representative today." Aiden's eyes snapped open when he heard the name. "Da-Daryl?" The soft voice of Aiden attract Daryl's attention. "Bunny!" The big guy obviously was shocked seeing Aiden on the lap of one of the Ansan's boys.

Aiden turned his body around to Daryl's direction. "It's been a long time..." Aiden waved weakly with a smile." Daryl stood up and rushed to hug the boy he head over heels for. "Stay." Hudson deep voice managed to make Daryl's steps halted. The bigger guy cursed lowly, but complied.

Then, they start to talk about business, suggesting a union with The Public. For sure, Aiden was too lazy to understand their business and busy himself with cuddling.

Aiden suddenly felt the urge to drink cold juice. But both Channing and Hudson were busy talking to Daryl. So his mind drifted off to the leisure boy, Jacky. Aiden make a small gesture with his hand to Jacky. "Jacky..." Aiden whispered. Jacky noticed Aiden need him and immediately flew to his side.

"Hey kitten. What's wrong?" Jacky asked slowly as he separated him from Channing. "I want to drink orange juice...can I?" Aiden asked cutely with a puppy eyes. Jacky's heart was shot with love arrows multiple times.

"Of course you can! Here baby!" Jacky brought the glass to his lips. Aiden drank to his heart content. His burning throat felt a bit better.

Aiden then faced Jacky and wrapped his arms around him. Jacky have a small stature, compared to most guys Aiden ever met. Strangely, he felt more comfortable with Jacky. Maybe because of their similar small body, Aiden didn't feel intimidated at all.

"Aww you really love me huh?" Jacky teased Aiden. "Hehehe! Yup! I want to be your friend!" Aiden giggled.

"Frie-!? Ah, you know what. It's okay." Jacky pecked Aiden on his cheek and neck. Aiden respond by kissing him back at the cheek and neck. Jacky was flustered, his whole face turned bright red from the kisses.

He couldn't admit to the beautiful boy in his arms that he wanted to be more than friends.

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