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Sorry for the laaaattteeee update(˘・_・˘)
Btw thanks for the reader who told me it was 'Nomen' and not 'Nemo'. I got confused bcause the other website use different name hehehe.


"The first game is shaking the ants off!" Neko announced with a cheery voice. The VIPs in the audience cheered loudly in respond.

A guy with a big stature walk into the middle of the field. He was one of the executives of the Second Affiliate, Tokko.

 He was one of the executives of the Second Affiliate, Tokko

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Daniel and the others looked warily at the Tokko. His steps were domineering and the others didn't have any choice but to raise their guards up. Zack hide Aiden behind him as if protecting the small boy.

The first one to face Tokko is The Asian Killer, Marcus. Tokko first pointing his fist towards Marcus. "Hmm? Fist? What do you want me to do?" Tokko simply replied with, "Scissors. Rock. Paper."

Marcus who knew it was only a rock paper scissor game carelessly giving a rock sign, which led to his loses as Tokko chose paper sign. "Eh? I lost? So what now-" Not even finishing his sentence, Marcus was striked with a heavy slap by Tokko. The black man's body flew to the other side of the ring.

"Oh no. No.1 Marcus is dead." Neko declared with a smile.

The other participants left in panic  hearing Marcus was dead with just a slap from Tokko. "WHAAAAT???!"

"Just like the game said, it is to get rid of weak people like ants!" Neko's voice echoing throughout the ring. "The rule is simple, just by the rock paper scissors you need to win against Tokko!"

"If you lose, you get hit by Tokko." It sounds so easy, but once lose, you will hit to death by him.

Surprisingly, the first to go is Sally Park. Voices of disbelief could be heard as no one would expect a girl will be brave enough to go against Tokko just after Marcus.

And more surprising is Sally won. This is because Daniel told her the secret to win against Tokko. It was his form. They need to observe his form, the way his legs split, or the way its bend. That's how they will know which one of the sign in rock paper scissors Tokko will chose.

The problem is... Aiden couldn't see. He won't be able to see the form Tokko made. They also was forbidden to help him. "This is ridiculous! He was clearly at disadvantages here!" Daniel gripped his black hair in frustration.

Aiden's leg was shaking badly. He heard Daniel told him about Tokko's form. But is it possible for him to touch the big guy? Well he can only try. "Ummm...can I-Can I touch you?" Tokko didn't said anything but Aiden could feel the hot glares directed to him. His fingers was shaking, but he still push himself to reach out to him.

His small and tender hand landed on Tokko's knee. But just touching the sturdy and strong knee, Aiden shivered in fear. He obviously heard how the man in front of him kill a guy with just a slap. In panic, he forgot about everything Daniel told him. His mind was muddled enough.

He hesitantly curled his fist to Tokko.

Daniel gasped. "No! Aiden! He chose paper!" Daniel ran quickly to Aiden's direction, intended to snatch away the boy from getting hit by Tokko. His heart thumping loudly in panic. A small boy like Aiden surely can't stand the hit.

Aiden's lips wobbled. His eyes brimming with tears as he sniffled. Tokko raised his hand before land his big palm onto Aiden's soft butt. Taken by surprise, Aiden stumbled forward for a few steps before falling onto the ground. "Wai-" Tokko thought Aiden didn't receive the punishment for losing the game seeing he fall after one hit. He used his other hand to hold Aiden up and patted his plumpy ass before spanking him again. "No-! It hurts!" Aiden was laying on one of Tokko's big thigh, trying to get away but the strong hold caged him in. Tokko spank Aiden 3 more times before letting the sobbing boy go.

"...Well, looks like participant 101, Aiden got more than one hit. Tokko have gone easy on him. Ahem! Let's proceed to the next participant!" Neko said quickly.

In the inside, Tokko felt satisfied finally got to touch (smack) that ass. When he first met Aiden with other executives, only the sly Nomen got to grope that perky ass. 

Nomen who have been watching from afar whistled. Of course, he was aware of the fact that none of the executives will harm Aiden seriously. They all were smitten by the cute boy.

Warren lifted Aiden up to his hip, stroking his back gently. "It's okay, it's okay. You did a great job there Aiden." Aiden hide his red face in the crook of Warren's neck. His tears sliding down like a river. His long eyelashes fluttering and tickling the HOSTEL's Uncle. The blind boy's shoulder still trembled in embarrassment. 'I rather got beaten to death than spanked in front of these people!' Aiden gritted his teeth.

Warren carried Aiden to a corner quite hidden from others. Daniel and Zack stood in front of Warren and Aiden. Sally came with a worried expression.

"Let me see your butt. Maybe after this we can asked for a cooling ointment." Sally said as she lifted his shirt up, exposing the pure white brief underneath. Aiden's leg flailing in attempt to get away from Sally's prying hands. "No no no no no!" Aiden sobbed harder. "Aiden, be good. Let Mama see your injuries." Warren whispered in his ear. Aiden cried louder once he felt Sally pulled down his brief and cold wind hits his bright red butt.

"Oh poor you baby. We really need to treat this after the games end." Sally said with a sad face. Aiden didn't replied anything but nodded weakly in respond.

Some time later, Neko announced, "Number 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 and 101 safely passed! And we are left with 53 participants! Shall we have some real fun now?" Apparently the next game is [Gas Hell].

For this game, they used Vin's shirt to cover their nose and mouth. Vin unexpectedly went gentler with Aiden as he tied a piece of cloth on Aiden's face. "Hold our hands tightly. If you let go, I will make sure you got the second round of spanking. You hear me?" Aiden shivered as his butt throbbing hearing the threat. He nodded eagerly indicating he understands.

Fortunately, for this second game, they passed without any injury.

Some people picked on them, but with only a split second they were beaten by Zack, Warren and Vin. Naturally, they got upgraded to B grade in fighting.

Aiden was unsure whether he will survive for the next game or not...

Can you guess my kink? ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

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