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Sorry for the laaaate update guys hehehe! Here we go!

Aiden blinked his eyes open. He have a good short rest with a nap. As he get sober, he remembered all the things happened and couldn't wait to meet Sally and others. The boy set aside the blue blanket and stepped out of the huge bed.

But as soon as his small feet touched the ground, a gloomy voice reached his ear. "Where do you want to go now, little prince?"

Samuel crossed his arms around his chest as he stood beside the bed, leaning on the wall. He puffed out smoke from his mouth. Only then did Aiden noticed the cigarette smell surrounding the room.

"Umm...I just want to check on Daniel." Aiden said fiddling with his fingers. Samuel groaned in response. "Are you f*cking kidding me? You want to wander around by yourself again?! Did you not learn your lesson or what??" Samuel scold through his gritted teeth.

"But-" "No buts! Stay! Here! Like! A! Good! Boy!" Samuel said each word while poking Aiden's forehead harshly. "Ngh!" The fragile boy whined as he felt stinging sensation on his head.

"Samuel. Don't be so harsh on him." Mandeok said. Apparently Eugene placed Mandeok and Samuel to guard Aiden.

"It's not like I hurt him. I want to make sure every word get into his thick skull." Once again Samuel poked Aiden making the boy finally run away toward Mandeok. Seeing Aiden walk to his direction, Mandeok immediately step forward and hold him close, worried that Aiden will knock something over and hurt himself.

Aiden mumbled an apology as he hide behind Mandeok. "I won't do it again." His eyes turned glassy and tears threatened to fall.

Samuel grunted in response before sat down on the couch.

"Things might go down. Eugene probably will get rid of Jake." A moment of silence passed by as Samuel uttered those words.

"W-what...? Why?" Aiden was confused, he thought the two were friends so why suddenly things go south?

"Big Deal betray us." Samuel stood up and walked to Aiden. His heavy footsteps echoing throughout the room. "So you, little boy, be good and behave yeah?"

"What-what will happen to Jake?" Aiden asked, clutching his small fists.

"Isn't it obvious? Big Deal already become Workers' enemy so without doubt Eugene will eliminate him. Big Deal will be no more. If Jake could still be alive, he is lucky." Samuel smirked, loving how paled Aiden turned as the boy trembled in fear.

"But..." But Jake is one of Aiden's first friends. The one who protect him in juvenile prison, the one who offer to cuddle with him sweetly. He was very precious to him. Aiden sobbed. It was clear he will not be able to meet Jake at the moment even if he request so.

"Stop crying." Samuel wiped his tears using his thumb. "As much as I hate it, Eugene decide not to drag you into our conflict. He told us to take you back home." Aiden hiccuped before he bite his cheek, trying go contain his crying. "Really?" "Hmmm."

Mandeok patted Aiden's head, earning attention from the boy. "It's a different story though if you want go meet Jake unscratched. We can't be sure how things will turns out at the end of the day."

Aiden nodded his head in understanding. Simply put, Aiden is the neutral party here. Eugene or any Workers won't restrict Aiden from meeting Big Deal, and vice versa. But for sure, they won't let Aiden dragged into this fight. Hurting the boy physically is the last thing Eugene ever think of.

Mandeok lifted up the boy by his armpits, holding him close to his chest. Aiden unconsciously snuggle closer to  him, loving the warmth emitting from the bigger guy's body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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