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Currently, Eugene, Samuel, Jake and Aiden were in a fancy restaurant. Eugene insisted on having Aiden eat dinner with him. "Do you like the beef?" Eugene leaned closer to Aiden as he feed him. Aiden hesitantly chew the beef. "Good Aiden~" Eugene praised Aiden who behaved obediently.

Aiden's cheeks flushed red hearing his compliment. "Um- you eat too..." Aiden said to Eugene with his bulging cheeks. His white cheeks looks like a bun, tempting him to bite it. "Don't worry about me. Just enjoy it all okay?" Eugene hugged Aiden's shoulder tightly. "You are so obedient. Just how I like it." Eugene whispered the last part.

Jake glared at Eugene. "Baby, here. You like the tofu right?" Jake scooped a piece of egg tofu with a spoon. He directly placed them at Aiden's lips. "Umm!" Aiden exclaimed in delight. "Thank you Jake!" Aiden rubbed the side of his head onto his broad shoulder.

Samuel clicked his tongue, seeing the two being lovey-dovey. "Tch. Are you guys dating or what? What's with the pet names?" Samuel said as he sipped his wine.

Aiden noticed Samuel getting the wrong ideas. So he quickly speak up to make it clear. "But Jake is my friend..? Is it wrong he call me baby? I-I like it tho..." Among other pet names be got called like bunny, prince, little boy etc, Aiden most love the name 'baby'. It's like he can be dependent towards Jake. He wants to be clingy and loved.

"No no no! Nothing is wrong! Then since we are your friends too, that means we can spoil you right?" Eugene said in a gentle tone.

Aiden tilted his head. "Well, I don't mind..." In his head, it was them who spend efforts to spoil him, so why do he was the one need to grant permission? He didn't quite get it, but it feels good to be close with someone else.

Hearing those words made Eugene happy. He gave a quick peck to Aiden's cheek. His smile seems brighter than usual. "Then always be with me okay?" Eugene whispered into his ear. Aiden nodded his head in a naive manner.

"Umm---I want to go to toilet please?" Aiden shyly whispered when he suddenly felt the nature call.

"I will go with you." Samuel said quickly as he stand up and grab the small boy's hand before Jake could do anything.

"Uh okay." Aiden followed Samuel while his other hand holding his walking cane. It was his habit after all to walk everywhere with the walking cane.

They soon arrived at the toilet. Clean and the smell was not bad. There were a few air freshener in there. "I will wait for you outside." Samuel spoke as Aiden closed the cubicle door.

After a while, Aiden came out washing his hands. He then called out for Samuel. "Samuel?" But no one answered. 'Maybe he already go back.' Aiden thought of going back alone, but the fact that he couldn't remember the way back; the steps, corners made him nervous.

"Sa-Samuel? Are you there?" Aiden called out again.

In fact, Samuel is there. He just kept quiet as he observed the boy calling his name anxiously. He admired how smooth his name came out from the beauty's mouth. Maybe he will wait more to tease him. He chuckled lowly, but Aiden caught that sound.

The blind boy used his cane and walk to Samuel, when the can tapped the tattooed guy's shoe, Aiden reached out his hand to touch the male. At first, his palm touch the chest, then slowly when to the side where his hands were. "You are Samuel aren't you?" Aiden asked in both accusation tone and unsure tone.

"Awww you look so cute I couldn't help but to tease you little prince." Samuel laughed. He ruffled Aiden's soft hair, pleased with how soft it was.

Aiden pouted. "I thought you left me. Even though you said you will wait for me..." He mumbled incoherently.

Samuel felt his heart might burst, seeing that the boy depended on him a bit. "I won't leave you little prince." Samuel kissed Aiden's earlobe, and bit it. "Ah!" Aiden flinched at the sudden pain. "Y-You bite me?" Aiden's voice was full of disbelief. 'Is he a dog?'

FRAGILE (Lookism x male oc)Where stories live. Discover now