Useful Info

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Wed, Dec 22nd 2021

To kick of this new book I'm going to ✨bless✨ you guys with some info about me and my new approach at weight loss.

Name: Olivia
Age : I'm basically 15
Height : 5'8
Weight : 52kg
Goals: 47kg, slimmer thighs and abs.

It kinda looks like I'm close to my goal but weight loss and especially maintenance has always been hard for me.

Since this book is also a diary, I'm gonna add in other aspects of my life like my new hobbies, school and stuff.

My new approach is gonna be to exercise a lot more, eat balanced meals.
I want to drink a lot more water, and try having different calorie goals and limits for each day.

I must say though, cut me some slack cuz I'll need a week off each month, if you know what I mean.

The next chapter is gonna be a kick off of the :

Christmas Weight Loss The Series : S1, Ep 1

I think that's all I have to say,

stay pretty, beautiful people

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