CWLS : S1, Ep1

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I'm gonna be abbreviating the title to CWLS so just know everytime you see that.

Fri, Dec 24 2021
Well it's Christmas Eve and I'm sick. Like I said I'm African and there has been a serious wave of sickness and this omicron stuff so I'm not feeling very well.

I'm not gonna really be on a diet today or anything but I'll tell you guys all that im eating. Also I've lost a kilo due to my illness and I currently weigh 51kg.

Coco pops cereal - 300kcals
Iced french vanilla latte -110kcals

Instant Chicken Noodle Soup - 450kcals?

Porridge + Fried Plantains -

I know I shouldn't be eating ramen on a diet but I really couldn't think of anything better than chicken noodle soup that would make me feel better.

I ate quite a lot today and didn't workout either like I had planned, but at least I feel way less sick than I did this morning.

We're going to a Chinese restaurant for Christmas tomorrow, and I know there's gonna be some amazing food there.

I'm not gonna update for the 25th since I know I'm gonna be eating a lot but I will write for the day after and stuff then update on monday

This is unrelated to dieting but my results came in for school and I got 8A's and 3B's in total. I'm so proud of myself. I haven't told my parents yet but I'm gonna use it to get something out of them lol.
Sat, 25th Dec, 2021
Weight - 51kg
I know I said I wouldn't write today but it turns out we aren't going to the restaurant anymore😭 so I guess I'll try to eat carefully today.

White bread and jam(1 slice)- 110kcals
Iced latte - 98kcals

Lunch -
Salad with a side of rice and turkey -350kcals?

Dinner -
Rice + chicken - 120(the rice was really little)

Snack -
Doritos - 300kcals

I was doing good until I ate the Doritos lol.
Today was seriously kinda bum but I can't complain much. I'm gonna start a diet plan/challenge thing on Monday. I found it on this Korean girls YouTube channel, I'll explain:
It lasts for 10days
It's a low carb diet
Workout for over 30 mins daily
Drink lots of water

I think it's a pretty sustainable diet and I'm gonna try and do this for a week every month during next year.
Sun, 26th Dec 2021
Weight - ?
We went to church so I kinda started eating late around 11:30pm which is okay by me cuz ✨ intermittent fasting✨

Brunch -
Iced latte - 80kcals
Jollof rice + chicken - 220kcals

Early Dinner -
White rice + beef sauce -190kcals ( it was a REALLY small serving)
Salad - 140kcals

Chocolate muffins - ?kcals
Yeah I was doing good until my sister made those. They looked o good...and tasted even better lol

Dinner -
Shawarma rolls - 390kcals
Also wasn't the healthiest choice for dinner hehe.

A trick that I've been using is to drink a lottt of water. I've been drink out of this 150cl bottle and still a few stray cups of water and it's really helped a lot of with my digestion, same with all the vegetables that I've had in my salads. Invest in some vegetables people; drinking a ton of water and veggies really make me full quick

Today was okay I guess. I still haven't shown my parents my amazing result and I don't think I will. They don't seem to care and I probably wouldn't gain anything out of it anyway, just my honest thought.

That's all I guess. See you in episode 2❤️.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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