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I need to take the stuff at home , with the gifts , also I think I should buy something on the way for all of us cause it's been so long that am visiting them , I should also greet the manager and staff properly !!
It's been so long since I've hung out with all of them and it's strange that Jungkook asked me to visit the company , I guess they miss me afterall am their lovely support, aah I feel hungry as well it's getting late also we need to be leaving when is this kook monster coming ?? You thought to yourself as you were spacing out looking at the crowd of students leaving school after a tiring day .
Suddenly you felt being pulled away by your backpack , you were startled and as you turned back looking at the person pulling you  !
Anyone could tell who it was , none other than Jungkook his bunny eyes popping out though he was wearing a mask and a cap and black just made him more attractive

Suddenly you felt being pulled away by your backpack , you were startled and as you turned back looking at the person pulling you  ! Anyone could tell who it was , none other than Jungkook his bunny eyes popping out though he was wearing a mask an...

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, he looked just perfectly made for his job , ignoring all of  it you showed him the watch , cause he was late
ignoring your eye contact he  pulled you by your wrist

, he looked just perfectly made for his job , ignoring all of  it you showed him the watch , cause he was late ignoring your eye contact he  pulled you by your wrist

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and started  walking towards your house , you removed your phone and started scrolling through some news walking with him !!

  Third person's POV ~

It wasn't the first time Jungkook was going to Kim Y/N's place ! They usually used to spend time playing at each other's places as kids and also hung out with the hyungs for birthdays , festivals and  without any occasion as well .
But this was all when everyone were not so busy with their careers but now it's hard to assemble everyone at once to enjoy each other's company , Jk was visiting Kim Y/N's place maybe after 3 or 4 months , cause after everyone being busy they usually would study together at her place, sometimes Jimin and V also joining them or them tutoring seungkwan Vernon and Dino , it was a really great trustfull friendship each of them shared with each other and we're ready to help each other out !!

You and Jungkook both were walking uphill almost 5 mins away from your place now where you finally broke the silence !
"Jungkookah ! Will you come in or do you wanna wait outside " you asked cautiously
I'll come , you have stuff to take right , I'll give you a hand " he said
Both of yall entered the house and went up the stairs to second floor of the two storeyed appartment , you typed the passcode and entered your place asking Jungkook to come in , you asked him to take something from the fridge and have as you headed to change !
Coming back you saw Jk sipping on some banana milk

You and Jungkook both were walking uphill almost 5 mins away from your place now where you finally broke the silence !"Jungkookah ! Will you come in or do you wanna wait outside " you asked cautiously I'll come , you have stuff to take right , I'l...

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You were ready to go and talk headed out when you rushed back as you had forgotten the gifts and stuff , Jk waited at the balcony , you picked the stuff  some snacks gifts and other things .
You finally doubled checked it all and rushed back to watching Jungkook now talking pictures and enjoying the suset !!

You finally doubled checked it all and rushed back to watching Jungkook now talking pictures and enjoying the suset !!

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