You Think About Him

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Word Count: 162


I was watching space heroes on my bed. The show wasn't my favorite thing ever but I really wanted to impress Leo with my knowledge of it. I know, I know. It was a little stupid but I couldn't help it. I really wanted Leo to like me. I giggled softly at the fact that I was trying to impress a mutant turtle. But once you got to know him, what girl wouldn't want to date him! Leo was such a gentleman! He was really funny when he wanted to be and I loved how dedicated he was to the team. His eyes were like two oceans. His green skin was such a lovely color. He was so strong and virial. But he could also show his softer side and wasn't afraid to admit when he made mistakes. He was genuine and real. I really admired that in a guy. I think he may like me back but I just don't know. 


Word Count: 204


I sighed as I stared at the night sky. Raphael was in my head and there was no denying it. I knew it was crazy. He had a temper and was always cold. But I knew that wasn't really him. He was sweet and caring. He was the most loyal person that ever lived and he loved his family like no one else. Raph really wasn't what he seemed. I knew he looked intimidating but in reality he was a big teddy bear. Raph never really showed much interest in me though. It was like I wasn't even there half the time. Still, his green eyes just trapped me. They shone brighter than anything I had ever seen. His red bandanna matched his fiery temper. And I could watch him training all day. I wished he could like me. I wished he did like me. If only that were possible. I tried talking to April about my feelings but she didn't understand. She thought Raph was too hot headed just like everyone else. Honestly, that didn't bother me that much. I knew that all he needed was someone to listen to him and be on his side to calm him down. That someone could be me. 


Word Count: 189


I stared at Donatello working in his lab. His tongue stuck out in the most adorable manner as he concentrated. I sighed dreamily. He was so adorkable and he didn't even know it. It made me sad that he thought no one could ever like him because that just wasn't true. I loved everything about him; how smart he was, his mahogany eyes, his gapped toothed smile. It was all extraordinarily lovely. He was so sweet. I had never known anyone could be so adorable in such a shy way before I met Donnie. Maybe someday he would see how much I cared. I could listen to him ramble about science for hours. Even though I had no idea what he was saying most of the time it didn't change my mind. I also loved his height. I felt safe whenever I was around him. He gave off an air of comfort and love to just about everyone. Well, everyone besides Casey. I giggled slightly. He could be so fiery and passionate at the same time. My only wish was that he would notice me. 


Word Count: 142

Warning: Mentions of Self Harm & Depression


I was listening to some music that Mickey had recommended. He said that listening to some music may help relax me. He was right. Ever since I had begun listening to music regularly my depression had gotten a little better. I smiled. I hadn't cut for almost three weeks (I met Mickey five weeks ago). He made me feel happy and wanted. He was hilarious and always made me laugh; from the memes he sent me, to the funny jokes he made, and little things he didn't even realise was funny. He was just... uh! He was absolutely adorable with his baby blue eyes and cut little freckles. I giggled slightly. He was so friendly and honestly the sweetest most caring thing! I loved how he always found the good of a situation. He was perfect. I really hope he likes me too.

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