Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

Sitting in my car on the driveway I thought about what I would do once I walk through hells gates (aka my two front doors.)

School had ended and I was waiting in my car for who knows what. Knowing that I didn't want to go inside, to cry in my room even though I'll probably just do it in my car.

I looked up to see my my house.The house I grew up in. The house where most of my memories were created.

I hated it.

Once I saved enough money I would definitely get my own place. I was the owner of a flower shop in downtown. It was the place to buy flowers. Anybody who wanted flowers went to my shop.

It was my favorite place when I wanted-needed to get away.

As I walked into the house and sucked in a deep breath, I closed my eyes. The house smelt of my maids perfume and my fathers cologne with a hint of rose.

They mixed well together. I bet if some stranger walked in they would think that his house is full of loving people... who love dead roses. So would my dad, he thought this was normal...this type of distance between a parent and their child.

I used to bring roses for my mother every friday.

I stopped last week and the roses were dying but it didn't matter.

She was gone so what was the point?

I opened my eyes while I blew out the air. I saw one of the maids dusting her little life away and humming a little tune extremely off key.

"Hey rosita., Como estas? Did I say that right?" I asked Rosita with a light laugh.

She was our maid that we've had for about 10 years. I guess she stuck around since we pay good. I wouldn't have if I was her, my dad treated her awful, I hated watching him treat her like she wasn't even human, yell at her when she did a minor thing wrong.

"Yes mija, I'm fine. Y tu? Hows school?" She said in her thick Mexican accent I have always adored.

It seemed to comfort me, she didn't raise me, but she was always sweet towards me.

I heard my name being called and I instantly recognized it as my fathers.

"It is what it is. Still boring but I'm making better grades now that I'm... not in a relationship...I can focus" I said ignoring my fathers call. I knew he was standing at the top of the stair case but I went on with my conversation.

"April I'm talking to you. Answer me!" He scolded, for ignoring him.

I turned my head slowly and looked up at him. It was killing me how he felt dominant cause he was higher than me.

No pun intended though.

"Well if you didn't interrupt my conversation with Rosita I wouldn't have ignored you. I don't have time for snotty people like you." I said in a low growl.

"Then I guess you don't have time for an apartment I was looking at for you?" He said amused at my anger. I clenched my teeth, he's doing it to annoy me.

He knew I was looking for one, hell, I was desperate for one. But I didn't just want any apartment, I wanted one of the nicest ones I could get my hands on...or my furniture into.

"Guess not then, I can find and get what I want on my own, I don't need your help." I rolled my eyes mentally, he needs to back off before I explode.

"April, quit being this way, just come upstairs. It's not just about the apartment. We have...things we need to talk about." He said frustrated at my remarks.

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