Chapter II - Potato Chips? Seriously?

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Shortly after Wakasa left the school grounds, (Y/n) dragged Shinichiro to the nurse's office, and had him patched up. The nurse gave the boy first aid, and she that his wounds should heal within two weeks max. That is, if he doesn't worsen it.

"Thank you, (Y/n)." Shinichiro says sheepishly, right after he exits out the small office with his beloved girlfriend. "You went through all that trouble to...protect me." He blushes a bit.

(Y/n) closes the door of the office and glances at her boyfriend. "No. I only did the bare minimum." She contradicts. "It's nothing to go on about." She smiles. "Either way, I'm just glad you're okay."

Shinichiro smiles back. "Yes." He holds onto one of (Y/n)'s hands. "But, you were cool back there." His smile widens. "When you said that I was your boyfriend out loud, it made me happy." He closes his eyes ever so innocently. "Because it was the first time you've ever made our relationship public."

(Y/n) blinks. "Really?" She then remembers. 'Now that I think about it, I did keep our relationship rather...seclusive to others....'

"It was like looking at a whole different (Y/n)." Shinichiro hums. "A much better one at that." He lifts a fingers. "But, regardless, I like everything about you. So a change doesn't really matter to me whatsoever."

(Y/n) averts her eyes, resisting the urge to tell him that she was a time leaper. "Y-Yeah...thanks..."

"Anyway--" Shinichiro tightens his hold of (Y/n)'s hand. "Let's ditch class for the rest of the day. We can stop by at my place."

"You wanna skip school?" (Y/n) quirks up an eyebrow.

"One day doesn't hurt." Shinichiro shrugs. "Come on." He's already dragging her forward, down the narrow hallways of the school building.

(Y/n) sighs out of disapproval. 'Yeah, ditching school is just a norm for him...' She nods. "Okay, okay." She moves up so that she can now walk beside Shinichiro.

(Y/n)'s eyes narrow when she looks back at what happened. 'Protecting Shinichiro resulted me in befriending Koko Rengo's leader, Wakasa Imaushi. But I can't really determine whether this is a good or bad thing...because on one hand, Shinichiro will no longer be Wakasa's concern...but on the other hand...' Remembering how Wakasa fought her boyfriend with ease scared her a bit. '--that monster took a liking to me, of all people!' She panics internally.

'It'd only be a matter of time until he drags me into all of that delinquency stuff.' (Y/n) assumes. 'Who's to say I won't die in the process of meeting his expectations?' She could feel a sea of sweat soaking her forehead. 'What do I do now?'

"Um..." (Y/n) says nervously to Shinichiro. "--Just why exactly were you fighting Wakasa in the first place?"

Shinichiro rubs a finger underneath his nose. "He just came up to me." He portrays a sheepish smile. "Told me that he's heard a few things about me from other delinquents, so he was intrigued."

(Y/n) goes quiet. 'Right; Even if he didn't knew how to fight...he still held up his own part by putting up a good one for his opponents...hence the reason why so many chose to follow him, including Wakasa.' She uses her free hand to hold her chin, in thought. 'So, in the end, I didn't necessarily change anything, because the two still fought. But, I'm supposedly Wakasa's 'friend' now. Chances are that I'll get to meet those of Koko Rengo. Meaning more suspects of those who might've killed Shinichiro in the future.'

"What're you thinking about?" Shinichiro asks out of curiosity, oblivious.

(Y/n) snaps out of thought and stammers. "N-Nothing! Just schoolwork!" Shinichiro doesn't seem convinced, his narrowed eyes staring her down. This causes the girl to get a little anxious and take a step back, her hand still interlocked with her boyfriend's. "I'm serious. It's nothing." She avoids eye contact.

Odds and Ends (Shinichiro Sano x Time Leaper!Reader) [Tokyo Revengers]Where stories live. Discover now