Chapter VI - The Aftermath

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[One Week Later]

It's been a week since Ragnarok attacked Kodo Rengo, and declared the date of which the final battle would take place. (Y/n) has been one edge, not knowing what to expect, considering that she was inexperienced in the field; this would be her first delinquent fight, and she knows she can't afford to make any mistakes or failures. Shinichiro's future was on the line, as well as her own.

That's why (Y/n) makes the decision to contact Wakasa on the house phone, in anticipation that they'd finally continue their training.

"Take the day off."

(Y/n)'s face goes blank. "Huh?"

"Although the fight's in three weeks, you can't overdo it. We have to move at a slow, consistent pace if we want to ensure victory. That's why, I'm ordering you to day the day off. We can continue tomorrow." As always, Wakasa's voice was stoic.

"But I don't wanna fall behind!" (Y/n) argues. "There's already so many things on the line! I can't afford to to take a break."

"Stop sounding so modest. Just take the day off. Find something to distract yourself with for the entire day. Do something you like, I don't care. But don't you dare train. Your own needs, a time for yourself, is always necessary."

(Y/n) starts to understand why Wakasa was insisting on this in the first place. 'I guess he's been more concerned for his men after what's happened...' She sighs in defeat. "Okay. I'll try to take it easy..." 

"Good. I'll call you later today."

"Yes." (Y/n) nods, and ends the phone call. She portrays a displeased look, putting her hands on her hips as she contemplates what to do in her free time. 'What exactly do I do? I don't have any exams coming up...and I don't have any hobbies that I feel like doing today...' She blinks in realization. 'Maybe I could go to Shin's place. I'm sure he's there.'  She's already heading her way out her bedroom. 'I could bring some snacks, too. Surely, him and Manjiro will accept them.'


(Y/n) reaches to the Sano Estate's neighborhood, holding a cardboard box that carried a chocolate cake that she bought before stopping by. 'I think Shin said something once about liking chocolate cake...I'm uncertain if it's true or not, but I'm sure he'll eat either way. He's that much of a kind person..' She deadpans. '--or Manjiro will just eat it all for him.'

Once she arrives at the front of the main entrance, (Y/n) knocks on the tall doors of the Sano Estate. She doesn't wait long for someone to answer, and to her luck, it was her boyfriend. "(Y/n)!" The black haired teen opens the door wider for (Y/n) enter. "It's not so often you come here unannounced. What's wrong?"

(Y/n) chuckles sheepishly. "Oh, nothing's wrong, I just--" She blushes slightly from embarrassment. "Wakasa cancelled our training session today, so I have a lot of free time on my hand. I figured that I should take advantage of that free time by hanging out with you. If you're okay with that, of course." She gestures the packaged treat she brought with her. "I even bought a cake for you and Manjiro to share..."

Shinichiro grins widely, accepting the dessert. "Aw, thank you, (Y/n)!" His cheeks color in red, his happiness out into the open. "You didn't have to visit with a gift in return. You're always welcomed here."

(Y/n) wavers her hands at him. "No, no. I bought it because I wanted to. Really." 

Shinichiro perks up. "Speaking of Wakasa, how did your first meeting go? Are you now an official member of Kodo Rengo?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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