Quick performance and Finchal

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A/N: I used some lines from New Directions episode in season 5 

Quinn and Puck were next. Baby It's Cold Outside. 

After the performance everyone clapped. In addition, after the song, Puck kissed Quinn's check but then Quinn kissed him on the lips this time. Quinn held Puck's hand. 

Quinn turned to everyone and said, "I would like to make an announcement. Puck has asked me to go out with him as boyfriend and girlfriend, and we never actually dated. So I decided to say yes." She turned to him, "Yeah I can't make any promises, but you were the only guy that was actually okay with me just being honest and myself." 

"I mean once you see a baby come out of a girl's magic garden everything else is easily acceptable." Puck joked. 

Brittany and Mercedes' eyes widened. 

Quinn let out a quick laugh and spoke again, "I think I love you Puck. Actually I know I love you. And I know it's not going to be easy. Me in Yale and you who knows where, but I'd rather do hard with you than easy with someone else." They kissed once again. 

"Wanky." Santana said as they pulled away. 

"Santana, can you please hold your snark to yourself for once?" Quinn asked, hiding the fact that she was annoyed that Santana ruined the moment. 

"No I gotta be honest I'm digging this." Santana replied. Quinn laughed.

 "Come here." Puck said and kissed her. Everyone clapped again until Quinn flapped her hand signaling the group to stop. 

Mr. Shue interrupted, "Alright that's enough." He said and Puck and Quinn sat down. 


 Finally it came down to the last group. Finn and Rachel. 

"We got this." Finn said as they high-fived. 

 They sang Last Christmas. The performance started and all the memories floated back in both of their heads. It was kinda obvious to everyone that they were still into each other. 

And what Quinn said was right, they were soulmates. 

The end of the performance was similar to Nationals in Junior year. Finn and Rachel were really close and kept looking into each other's eyes until Finn closed the distance and kissed Rachel. They kissed for a while and went back to staring into each other's eyes like before. Both blushed. 

The room was filled with awkward silence. "Sorry." Finn said and looked away. 

"Why?" Rachel said as she took Finn's hand and laced her fingers with his. "That was amazing. I still love you." she continued.

 "I love you too!" Finn exclaimed and gave her a small yet passionate kiss. 

"Are we together?" Rachel asked Finn. He said yes. 

The New Directions clapped. 

"This reminds me when you 2 decided to make out at Nations on stage and we lost because of it." Santana said. Both Finn and Rachel rolled their eyes. 

"In our defense it was the best kiss ever." Finn said. Rachel agreed. 

"Alright Finchal is back!" Mr. Shue exclaimed. 


Before Mr. Shue passed out the index cards Mercedes said, "I don't know when that happened, but I think we'll be expecting another 'accidental pregnancy' sometime." she was talking to Quinn and Puck. 

Quinn shook her head, "Nah I have enough stretch marks." 

"Yeah you do. We've slept together." Santana said with a laugh. Everyone was shocked.

 "Before anyone says anything I'm 100% straight and we were drunk." Quinn replied.

 "When?" Brittany asked her girlfriend. 

"Relax, it was after Mr. Shue's wedding. Actually no it was supposed to be the wedding but Emma ran out. The reception was still happening. It makes me wanna puke knowing I was with Quinn. Also we weren't the only ones. The Anderhummels did it, and Finchal did. And Jake, Puck's brother and some random bitch named Marley did it. Probably more people to be honest." Santana said, making everyone laugh. 

"Um I did not need to hear this conversation, but I'll pass out the index card for each of you to write down what group is the best. It can't be your group though. I'll make sure of that because when you place it in the hat I'll look first." Mr. Shue explained getting index cards.

A/N: Cute right? Who do you think is the winner? 

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