Klaine pt 1 and Tick

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(Kurt & Blaine) 

At 5:00 Blaine went to the Hudson-Hummel household and Burt answered the door. They greeted each other and then Kurt came down the stairs, said hi to Blaine and went back upstairs this time with Blaine behind him. 

"Acting in Artie's musical movie was fun." Kurt said. Blaine agreed. They remembered but to be sure Kurt went on his phone and pulled up a video of them singing Let It Snow. 

They got the parts right. They practiced the song and were perfectly on key and sang it perfectly. 

After the song Blaine shared some news with Kurt, "I completely forgot to tell you, I auditioned for NYADA."

 "Oh my gosh really. You definitely did great. I really hope you get it, I'm sure you will." Kurt replied. Blaine hopes so too. 

They ate some Christmas cookies that Kurt baked and was just waiting for it to be ready. Kurt is good at cooking/baking. 

They ran through the song a bit more. Completely prepared for Friday which is in 2 days. They didn't need to practice again until Friday but figured practicing before the performance would be good. Kurt liked Breadsticks but wasn't so obsessed with it like others, same with Blaine. They just wanted to perform so they didn't have to win. 


A/N: I used some lines from Season 6 The Wedding episode. 

(Tina & Mike) 

 An hour later Tina and Mike met up at Breadsticks. 

"I know you don't really sing and dance more but do you want to sing the first verse. Then we sing the chorus together and then I'll do the 2nd first. Your voice is good, though. Better than you think." She said. 

Mike replied, "Thanks. But can you sing the first verse and I'll sing the second." Tina didn't want to but eventually agreed. She has a stronger voice than Mike. 

After finalizing the parts they just talked about life. "Mike I actually wanted to tell you something, and also ask you something." She said. Mike signaled her to continue. 

Tina took a breath and said, "Mike, not a day goes by that I don't think about you, and I thought being away from you all these years would make me forget the love we had together. But it's only made me love you more. Do you wanna be together, like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Mike smiled. He was happy. Of course he wanted to be with Tina.

 "I love you too. I think about you all the time too, and every time I do, I smile. I love how smart, funny, pretty, and sexy you are. Yeah I said sexy and I felt that way ever since the summer we made out at Asian camp." Mike said and kissed her. They smiled.

 "That sounded like we got married and it was our wedding vows." Tina said and both laughed. They kissed again. 

"Is this a date then?" Tina asked. She wanted it to be. Mike said it was, so he paid for dinner. 

After dinner they went into the car and as Mike was driving they sang the song and kept singing it until they were at Tina's house.

 Their voices worked perfectly and blended so well. They kissed for a while until they got out of the car. 

"I love you Mike." 

"Love you too Tina." and she got out of the car. 

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