Chapter 9- Take a break, you earned it

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A couple of days had gone by, the money had been recovered although the interest was brought back by selling some of his valuables. Billy had made about 30 grands from the mission.

This chapter starts with Helena and Billy having a conversation. You should do more kids stuff, watch movies, go to the beach, prom you know Helena said to Billy as she took a bite of her omelet.

Sure, I will give that a try, Billy replied. You go take a week off, have fun I will tell Joe dont you worry about it.

They finished they meal and Billy took off. He packed his bag with clothes, bare essentials, and a stack of cash about 10gs or so.

He put it in the car and took off to where the road takes him, he had just seen Thelma and Louise and was inspired.

He decided to travel by plane instead of car. He had always wanted to go on a plane.

He got to the airport, parked his car went to the cashier, got a ticket to New York (he was a big Seinfeld fan). He had seen home alone so he made sure to not sure the entire stack of cash.

He carried the bag himself; he had a coke and a burger; he got onboard the plane and found his seat. He kept on fan girling out and luckily he didnt have anyone sit next to him.

Although as soon as the engine turned on, he got scared, throughout the way to the runaway he was scared but he was more scared.

When the plane got up to speed and took off, he was scared and had his eyes half closed. When the plane leveled out, he thought to himself, that was a little disappointing, I thought it was going to be like Top Gun, am I little disappointed.

He had his meal, a bottomless glass of coke, and 30-minute nap but he would be awoken by the PA announcement for the landing. He followed the instruction well but instantly regretted not listening to the safety instructions.

The plane started descent and his ears popped as though they were shot, the plane touched down and he narrowly didnt hit his head on the seat in front of him.

The plane touched down and was immediately scared by the roar of the engine being even louder and had his eyes wide shut (pun intended) throughout the landing till they would reach the gate.

He took of his seatbelts as they were pretty uncomfortable and kept seating and followed what the lady did in front of him did till, he reached the conveyor belt for the luggage.

He was hand carrying his luggage so he didnt stop there but he did stop at the bathroom as he was too scared to stand up in the plane. He stopped at the duty free to get some chocolates.

He got out of the airport and took a taxi to a nearby motel. No scratch that, he told the taxi driver. Take me to the nearest five-star hotel.

He got to the hotel, walked and was immediately astonished. He told the receptionist that his mother was on the way and was surprised at how easily it worked. Macauley Culkin was right he whispered to himself.

He got to his room checked everything out had another can of coke, and called Helena to tell her he was safe and in New York.

He didnt unpack his clothes, not to well and immediately decided to go exploring.

He first called the front desk and asked if he could get tickets to see a Seinfeld recording which they were unable to get.

He decided to rest tonight, he called room service for some pizza and fries, ordered the Taxi Driver tape, which he fell asleep watching and woke up a few times to the gun shots before deciding to turn of the film and go to sleep.

The morning had come and he woke up got ready skipped breakfast and immediately went exploring.

To not bore you I will skip over and tell you the summarized version of what happened, he did some shopping, he ate, he went to some famous and he got back to the hotel.

It was the sixth day of his holiday, and he decided to get back a day early. The same routine and he was back in Pasadena.

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