Chapter 14- Does Plan B work?

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The team had already finished with the setup, Sam planted the idea by invoking his ego, the warehouse was an old plantation, they as said before planted hidden weapons all over and made sure it looked un touched for when Ferdinands team turns this place into a place for them to kill the team.

The team also made sure to get rid of all the hiding spots left as they wanted a massacre not a gun fight and made sure they had the upper hand in every possible way they would try to cheat them, you know booby traps and made sure the rest of the team and a couple of another hitman would be in a car nearby who would drive in like in a cheesy Bollywood movie.

The next day had come, the team prepared but it was time and headed to the same warehouse where Ferdinand and two other man Jim and Tim would be waiting seating down.

Joe, Helena and Billy sat down in chairs opposing them. So, you are the young fella Ferdinand asked. Yes, I am Billy replied.

You killed by son. Well technically the electricity did Billy replied. He had no remaining toe nails and a literal dent on his head.

Ok, lets not go around on who did what but like my father liked to say lets go down to business.

Great, make me one good reason why I shouldnt cut you up into tiny pieces and feed you to my dogs.

Well um, no offense your son was a bully and a con Joe said.

Ferdinand leaned back and said you are the only man to ever say that and I respect tha-

He was suddenly interrupted as the rest of the team drove though the glass window. They got out and turned the bad guys into nothing but holes and blood.

Plan Bs, plan b had worked but made Joe furious.

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