Acknowledgements and Pre-Story A/N

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This is the very beginning of a work called Our Little Cliché. If you're not into Jily, I suggest backtracking now. If you're not into chapters that average about 1300 words, I also suggest backtracking. Voting is always appreciated, as I worked hard on this story and credit is lovely. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it is appreciated. The rest of this note is fairly irrelevant, so on with the show!

THANK YOU! This is gonna be Looooong. You were extra super supportive when I was writing, and you are my second beta for which I am hella grateful.

Who am I kidding. You don't read. You're never gonna see this anyways.

Thanks for beta reading (up until a certain point)! The feedback really helped.

LOTR COMES LATER! Trust, it's on my list. After it undergoes heavy editing, that is.

Our Little Cliché- A Jily and Remus/OC Story (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now