The Sorting

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Nette POV

Lily had stormed off to Dumbledore's office, being late for meeting up with him and James. That left Mary, Marlene, Dorcas and I getting out of the carriage and into the Entrance Hall.

I stopped walking at the sight of the enormous space. "Holy shit."

Marlene cracked a grin. "Like what you see?"

A tall, strict-looking witch in tartan with black hair seemed to be searching the crowd. When she caught my eye, she rushed over.

"You are Lanette Claireroy?" she asked in a crisp Scottish accent.

"Yes," I replied.

She inclined her head. "I am Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher," she said.

"I find Transfiguration to always be a strong option," I said with my head held up. I swore that the Professor smiled.

"The Sorting shall take place in a half hour. Your name will be called after the first years. You will come up to the front, sit on the stool, and the hat will sort you into your house. Is this clear?" she asked. I nodded. McGonagall returned the gesture and swept away.

"Nette's just a nickname, then?" asked Dorcas, raised her eyebrows.

"Well, obviously," I said. "Who names their child 'Nette'?"

"It's a valid name," shrugged Mary.

"I tricked you all, though, didn't I?" I said smugly.

"Gryffindor," Sirius sang as he walked past.

"Stick to your own conversations, Black," Dorcas snapped.

Marlene laughed, "I don't even think that's possible."

As we entered the Great Hall, I actually gasped out loud. The ceiling looked like the sky outside; you could barely see the architecture.

Marlene nudged me in the ribs to grab my attention as the petrified first years entered the Hall.

"Look, here they are," she pointed out.

"They look so scared every year," smiled Mary fondly. "It's the size of the place, you know? Grabs your attention."

I heard something with my sensitive ears that sounded like thick fabric ruffling. I looked up at the stool, and the sight upon it made my eyes widen. There was an old, tattered, pointed hat. It looked almost like it had a mouth. This theory was proven when it cleared its throat.

Dorcas grinned devilishly. "Watch this, this is the best part," she said. I continued my intense stare on the hat. It took a deep breath and began to sing. I held in a laugh. It really was a horrible singer.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, children of Great Britain,

And everywhere else as well;

I am a hat as you clearly can see,

I hope your seven years here are swell.

In order for that, you put on this hat,

And I will tell you in which;

House you will belong, for this is a song,

And you cannot just pull a switch.

First there is Gryffindor, steadfast and strong,

Widely known as the house of the bold;

Second is Hufflepuff, loyal and kind,

Of their friendship great stories are told.

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