More Angst And A Briefly Mentioned Engagement

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Remus POV

James came into the dorm on the morning of the twentieth of April, with a broad grin and a swagger that hinted at something else. Sirius shot him a questioning glance.

"I," he started. "I just slept with Lily Evans. I just had sex with Lily Evans."

Sirius' jaw dropped. "Dang, mate," he whistled softly. "Bet she's a screamer."

"Oi," said James, offended. He slapped Sirius upside the head.

"You didn't pressure her into anything she didn't want to do, did you?" I asked worriedly. Lily was still one of my good friends, and I didn't want her getting hurt, by James or by anyone.

"Remus," he said, gritting his jaw. "You're one of my good mates, alright? But if the full moon weren't coming up, I would probably punch you."

I raised my hands, backing off. "Alright, alright."

"It's not alright," he said, fuming. "You guys have to stop assuming that I would do something like that. That's disgusting, I wouldn't ever."

"Good to know," said Sirius, idly picking at his pillow.

"It's serious, Sirius," I admonished him. He looked up at me, a twinkle in his grey eyes, and I realised too late what I had said. "Oh, no."

"I know that I'm serious," said Sirius, waving a finger in the air, "but I siriusly object to being called an it. That's really quite rude, you know. My name is Serious, siriusly."

"Ughhh," groaned James, stuffing his face in his pillow. "Padfoot, that joke got old five years ago. And all jokes aside, Remus," he turned to me, expression dead serious, "I love her, and I would never. So get that off your mind."

I thought back to the beginning of the year. That was when he didn't know Lily as well. Now he was being serious, and I could respect that. He was in love. I wasn't sure if Lily was, but he definitely was. James was whipped entirely.

I almost missed the stony look on Sirius' face as he heard James' words. He didn't say anything, instead turning around. He felt like he was getting left behind, and I understood what he meant. As a werewolf, I had always been prepared for my friends to leave me behind. It was a neccesary fear. I supposed Sirius had, from his past experiences, learned to deal with abandonment as well.

James gave the two of us a one-handed wave and left the room, still grinning and whistling a tune.

"I feel like everyone's going to leave, eventually, and I'm going to be stuck here on my own," Sirius began to speak quietly. "Everyone keeps telling me that you guys'll always be here for me, but that's not true, is it? I mean, it's obvious that James and Evans are going to tie the knot eventually, and then she won't even be the easy-to-tease Evans anymore, she'll be Mrs. Potter with a bunch of pomp and circumstance and probably a kid as well and goddamnit, she'll have James and I won't. I'm selfish, Moony. And then you're leaving too, because even though you and Nette can't legally get married, you'll probably get Dumbledore to fix something and you'll be gone too, not allowed to have a kid but shagging your partner or whatever every hour of the day. And Peter's always gone. He's never around anymore."

"Sirius, we say it because we mean it," I said, sitting next to him. "We're not leaving you."

"And then there's me." He smiled, bittersweet. "I'm Sirius Black, aren't I? Sirius Black with the flying motorbike I finished in fifth year and Sirius Black who ran away from home; oh that Sirius he's popular with the girls even though he can't secure a single date because he gets bored, Sirius with his self-destructive bullshit who doesn't know any better. What am I doing, Moony? What the bloody hell am I doing with my life, throwing it all away?"

Our Little Cliché- A Jily and Remus/OC Story (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now