Girls And Their Curls

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Lily POV

I had a date with James Potter. That was the only thing that had been going through my mind for the past week. I had asked out James Potter, we were going out, on Valentine's Day, this was a thing that was happening.

I hadn't spoken to him all week, causing me to doubt myself. What was I thinking? I hadn't told the girls yet, and from what I had seen of James lately, he was ecstatic. And I liked him, I really did, but I was nervous. What if all the nice things he had been doing were a ruse. What if, once he really got to know me, he didn't like me so much?

I had been avoiding him inconspicuously during classes, but I would have to talk to him sooner or later. And Sirius had been all eyes lately. I suspected that James had told him and he wanted to talk to me. It didn't stop me from putting it off. I was terrified.

When I was assailed by Sirius while I was walking to last period charms, it really wasn't a surprise.

"Oi! Evans! You have been rather evasive lately, haven't you?" Sirius said smoothly.

"I don't know what to do," I confessed. "I like him, I like him a lot, but... I don't know what to say! What if he only likes me from afar, what if he only likes the idea of being with me, that's why I said no so much in the first place, for him it was clearly infatuation and he was in it for the chase-"

Sirius held up his hands. "Evans. Slow down. He does like you. Too much. I have no clue why he's so obsessed with you. Just talk to him. He's sort of confused, but he was expecting this."

"Expecting-" I cut in, infuriated.

"Yes, Evans, believe it or not, he does think rationally. The way you've acted towards him the past six and a half years, I'm surprised he didn't give you up," he said.


"You've been a total bitch, no offense intended," he continued.

I deflated. "You're right. God Black, you're so right. What the hell am I doing?"

He gave me half of a smirk. "You're going to go and talk to him, and you're going to kiss him and do whatever healthy couples do, and you two can forget all about good old Sirius, yeah?"

"He won't forget about you, you're his best fri-"

"Thanks for walking me to class, Evans," said Sirius dryly. "I am a delicate young flower; I wouldn't want anyone taking my innocence." He sent me a wave and slouched into the classroom.

My shoulders slumped. I really did have to talk to James. So after the period was over, I ended up in the head's common room, curled up in front of the fire and waiting for James.

I heard Sir Cadogan creak open, and I glanced up. James looked like a deer in headlights.

"Sit," I muttered, my voice muffled by the blanket wrapped around me. He hesitated before walking over and sitting next to me on the sofa.

"Hi..." said James.

"Hello," I replied. "So, I figured we should talk about... us not talking to each other."

"Mhmm," he replied, looking somewhat downcast. "And, it's alright if it was spur-of-the-moment and you don't want to go with me now, but-"

I cut him off. "No, I like you. I definitely do. Dates are for getting to know each other. Right."

He gazed at me softly then, the firelight reflecting in his hazel eyes. "Alright." He cautiously put his arm around me, and I leaned into his shoulder. "Yeah, that sounds great. Meet you at 1 in the entrance hall?"

Our Little Cliché- A Jily and Remus/OC Story (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now