Story One - Rectangle Rays by the Snow

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(The gang are now wearing some snuggly warm outfits as they are ready to listen to the first story of the night, which is told by Twelve, who is wearing some peach-coloured fleecy PJs. Between her are her siblings, Eighteen and Twenty-Four, whose PJs are like their sister's, but are coloured pink and mint green respectively.)

One: So, you have a story to tell us?

Twenty-Four: Of course we do, One!

Eighteen: Not to mention that every bit of it is true! Tell away, Sis!

Twelve: Thank you! (begins to read) It happened by Rectangle Retreat, I was meditating while my own brother and sister are practicing for the next race, much like every other day...

(The scene then changes into the story, which is Rectangle Retreat, where we sees Twelve meditating calmly in the middle when Eighteen and Twenty-Four are racing via their Rectangle Rays.)

Twelve: (narrating) Yes, it was December, super cold and all that malarkey. So much so that this happened.

(A snowflake falls from the sky and landed onto Twelve's "nose". The Super Rectangle girl notices this as she then looks up to see several snowflakes falling from the sky. The two then feel the cold air as they stopped flying.)

Eighteen: Hey, what's with the sudden chill?

Twenty-Four: (looks up in the sky) Look up the sky, Pink Boy!

Eighteen: Hey, who you callin' Pink Boy, Green Girl? (looks up as well as and his face lights up happily) SNOW! (zooms around the place while laughing happily)

Twenty-Four: But it's just a little bit though.

(Just to tell the Super-Duper Rectangle otherwise, a heap of snow falls on Twenty-Four as it snows more and more, much to Eighteen's delight and Twelve's surprise.)

Twenty-Four: (shivers a bit) Nevermind! (shakes the snow off her body)

Twelve: Well, I wasn't expecting any snow today until now.

Eighteen: Check the weather app on your phone, Sis! Not that hard to check!

Twelve: (slightly dumbfounded) Oh, okay. (clears her throat as she retains her composure) Anyways, there's a fun thing I always wanted to do on this unexpected snow day!

Twenty-Four: And what might that be?

Twelve: Well, watch this!

(Using her telekinetic powers, the calm/zen Super Rectangle girl herself creates a pile of snowballs before throwing one of them at her brother, but only for her to miss and hit Twenty-Four instead, thus knocking her over and landing her on her back on the soft snow. Twenty-Four gives Twelve a quick glare for a few moments before she began to burst out laughing as the Super-Duper Rectangle girl lies back down and starts making a snow angel.)

Eighteen: (upon seeing the snowballs and the snow angel made by his sisters, he gets an idea) Wait... (he goes up to Twelve) Can you do those snowballs again?

(As Twelve narrates, we see the trio of siblings wearing cute knitted hats, scarves and mittens that match their coloured blocks, with Twelve's being shades of orange and yellow, Eighteen's being shades of pink and purple and Twenty-Four's being shades of green and yellow, with the latter colours representing their partners. Together, the three are building snowmen, throwing snowballs at each other and making snow angels, when Eighteen thought of something.)

Twelve: (narrating) Eventually, everywhere was covered in snow! From the Rectangle Retreat to the beach. Not even by Ten's Place and the hills weren't safe from being covered! Anyways, we were doing snow activities like snowball fights, making snowmen and snow-angels when my brother had this fun idea of a game he thought up! Think of it like the Super Loopers, but in the snow! Eighteen's words, not mine.

(Eighteen flies up to the tall hill near his sisters via his Rays, creating what seems to be Loopers in the snow, with both Twelve and Twenty-Four following him.)

Eighteen: Fellow sisters, I just thought of the most amazing snow activity EVER! See those Loopers I made in the snow there? I proudly call them "Snow Loopers"!

Twenty-Four: (seeing the Snow Loopers) So, that's why they look like Loopers! (giggles) One Looper, Two Loopers, Three Loopers and Six Loopers!! (squees)

Eighteen: Let's test it out, shall we?

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