Epilogue - Like Father, Like Daughter

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(In the epilogue of this story, we see the entire gang all sound asleep in the beds located in the cabin with their stocking hung by the hooks near their beds. Well, almost the entire gang, as the only one still awake is Twenty-Five, who is next to a sleeping Twenty-Six while Yukiko and Qwerty sleeping at the foot of their bed.)

Twenty-Five: (quietly) There's so much stuff buzzing through my head that I can't get to sleep! Everyone in the cabin believed my story! Honestly, now I know that One felt thinking about numbers bigger than One-Hundred! (holds out a present labeled from her to her dad) Heck, I even have this present to give to my papa when he shows up with his Christmas magic!

(Upon saying that, the Square girl hears a commotion on the roof and making their way to the cabin's chimney, with Yukiko waking up with the noise.)

Yukiko: Hmm?

Twenty-Five: (quietly) Oh! I think I know who that is! Don't you agree, Yukiko?

(Yukiko yips in approval as she and Twenty-Five quietly go downstairs and trying to not wake anyone else up, with Twenty-Five holding the present she had earlier under her arm.)

Twenty-Five: (thinking) It's a good thing Yuki and I aren't making much noise! Otherwise, we'll both be in trouble!

(Eventually, both the Square girl and her arctic kitsune pet/sidekick go downstairs and quietly into the living room and behind the armchair Twenty-Five was sitting earlier, where they see Santa placing the presents of them and their many Numberblock and Alphablock friends under the tree.)

Twenty-Five: (quietly) Dad?

Santa: (hears the voice of his daughter) Twenty-Five? Is that you? Where are you?

Twenty-Five: (peeks from behind the chair) Here.

Santa: (sees his daughter and her pet behind the armchair) Oh! There you are! Were you waiting for me behind there?

Twenty-Five: (as she gets out of her hiding spot) Actually, Dad, Yukiko and I woke up from you going down the chimney. Not to mention I brought a present to you! Much like, me returning the favour.

Santa: (interested) Really? What is it?

Twenty-Five: (holds out the present) Well, how about you open it, quietly, and find out?

Santa: Well, alright then! I'll try to not make much noise.

(The festive Square gentleman quietly opens the present given to by his daughter, which reveals to be a book, with a pair of cute plushies of Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six on top of the book.)

Twenty-Five: What do you think, Dad? It's a copy of the book of my story as well as a couple of plushie toy that I made myself! There's even a note in the front with my new phone number, social media usernames and email address just so we can keep in touch with each other! I mean, you and Mum are quick of getting used to modern day technology these days so... (she then sees Santa smiling with joyful tears in his eyes) Dad? Are you okay?

Santa: Thank you, sweetheart... You truly are an amazing daughter to have and this book and plushies is an amazing present from you to me and your mother! She and the elves will be just as happy and proud of you much like me! You did amazing, Twenty-Five!

Twenty-Five: (also has tears of joy in her eyes like her father) Really? Th-Thanks, Daddy!

(The square father and daughter hug with Yukiko nuzzling Santa's leg happily. After a few moments, both Santa and Twenty-Five proceed to place the last of the presents for the others under the tree.)

Santa: There we go! That's all the presents for you, your boyfriend and the huge group of your friends, Twenty-Five!

Twenty-Five: You're very welcome, Dad!

Santa: (picks up the cookies placed for him) I'd love to stay longer, but I have more presents to deliver across the world!

Twenty-Five: Of course! Also, tell Mum and the elves I said hello and hoping they'll visit Numberland!

Santa: But of course! That's a promise that I'll never forget!

(The two share one more heartwarming hug before Santa proceeds to climb up the chimney with his sack of presents and the book and plushies in his pocket/pouch.)

Twenty-Five: I love you, Dad!

Santa: (while climbing up the chimney) Love you too, Twenty-Five! And thanks again for the present from you!

(The square girl smiles in victorious joy as she and Yukiko quietly and happily go back upstairs and back to their bedroom.)

Twenty-Five: (thinking) I guess, in a way, I'm like my father! Since we're both squares, have kind hearts and are downright jolly! Like father, like daughter, I suppose! This truly is the best Christmas ever~!

(Twenty-Five and Yukiko go back to the bed as they both drift off to sleep, as we then cut to outside the cabin, where we see Santa and Holly flying above the across on his sleigh while it snows.)

Santa: Ho ho ho~!! Merry Christmas, Numberland~!!
Holly: And have a wonderful New Year~!

(The two laugh merrily as we see the photo of the end of the book Twenty-Five gave to Santa, which is a big and heartwarming group photo of both the Numberblocks and Alphablocks together, as well as the plushies of Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six holding hands and smiling as the story comes to an end.)

[End of Epilogue and Story]


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