Story Three - Numberblocks at the North Pole

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(Several of the Learningblocks are chattering about what Twenty-Five's story will be like, if it's true or not and whether or not she's the daughter of Numberland's Santa, while the big Square girl is watching with a quite nervous look drawn on her face with Twenty-Six standing by her.)

Twenty-Six: Feeling nervous there, Sweetpea?

Twenty-Five: Pretty much, sweetheart. I did promise the main ten Numberblocks that I'll read them this story as proof that I am Santa's daughter, but what if I mess it up?! And, what if none of them believe me?!

Twenty-Six: (wraps his arm around his girlfriend) Don't you worry your beautiful square head, Sweetpea! I'll make sure that you stay on track from beginning to end! I promise!

Twenty-Five: (smiles softly/hopefully) Really?

Twenty-Six: Yes, really! Let's get to reading that story! Besides, the night's still young and our fellow guests aren't gonna be waiting forever, you know!

Twenty-Five: That's great! (her face falls slightly in worry) Do you think they'll believe me?

Twenty-Six: Of course! Some of our guests, nay, ALL of our guests in our cabin will believe you! I promise! Besides, you being the daughter of Numberland's Santa never stops you from doing the things you love!

Twenty-Five: (her face lights up with hope) You're right! Let's do this~!

(Minutes later, Twenty-Five is sitting in a cosy armchair by the big Christmas tree, now having glammed up her Mrs. Santa outfit to fit the occasion, with everyone, who are wearing comfortable and adorable clothes for both the festive season and hearing the Square girl's story, as well as several of them talking to each other.)

X: (quietly to Eight) Is this really true? That your Square friend over there really the daughter of Numberland's Santa?

Eight: (quietly to X) Of course, X! You can tell the comparison between both of them! Well, using the picture of Santa by the tree.

(The picture Eight refers to of that of Numberland's Santa, who of course, is a Twenty-Five Numberblock like the Twenty-Five we know.)

X: (quietly) That may explain some things here, since the Santa here is super different from the one we know. Love the eyebrows on him though!

(The pink cephalopod superhero nods in approval as he, his Alphablock buddy, and everyone else quiets down as Twenty-Five opens her book.)

Twenty-Five: If you're sitting comfortably, then I'll begin! (giggles) I always wanted to say that! (starts to read) It happened on Christmas Eve, no surprise there, and the snow was falling lightly and elegantly...

(The scene changes to the story, where we see Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six walking in the snow with Yukiko and Qwerty beside them while chatting about something with the Number Agent being convinced as Twenty-Five herself narrates.)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) This was the best opportunity since it was the day that I told Twenty-Six that I was the daughter of Numberland's Santa. At first, I thought he believe I was joking. Luckily, to my relief, he believed every single word I said!

Twenty-Six: Since I seen a dozen pictures of Santa Claus himself and comparing the picture with you, there's no denying that he and you strongly resemble you, Sweetpea!

Twenty-Five: Well, I do have his eyebrows and jolly personality, not to brag.

Yukiko: (chatters / barks as she then bounces/frolics in the snow before yipping as she points to something with her front paw)

Qwerty: (sees the direction Yukiko is pointing at as she buzzes in alarm)

Twenty-Six: Oh? What's wrong, girls?

(The arctic kitsune and bee run/buzz in the direction in a hurry.)

Twenty-Five: Girls! Wait up! (runs after the two critters with Twenty-Six after her)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) At first, Twenty-Six and I didn't know what Yukiko and Qwerty were heading to! That is, until we saw what they were running to!

(The something that Yukiko and Qwerty had ran up to was One and Two, who have found what seems to be a reindeer, with the reindeer eating some carrots laid by the little Numberblocks.)

Twenty-Six: Oh! Hello, One and Two! (the two smaller Numberblocks wave hello) Hello reindeer that we never seen before! (the reindeer honks in response while eating)

Twenty-Five: (curious) Where did you find this cutie anyway?

One: Oh, Two and I found him wandering around and he might've smelled the carrots Two grew in his indoor greenhouse.

Two: Luckily, I gave him a couple so I'll have enough to make my grandma's famous carrot soup. He even took a liking to us, even though his nose was a bit red.

Twenty-Five: Red nose? On a reindeer? (realises) I think I know who that is?

One, Two and Twenty-Six: You do?

Twenty-Five: But of course! (whistles a soft note to get the reindeer's attention)

(From hearing the Square Girl's whistle, the reindeer raises his head from his snack, revealing his glowing red nose. This adorable reindeer that One and Two found is none other than Rudolph!)

One: (gasps) Is that... ?

Two: Rudolph! No wonder your red nose looks familiar, buddy!

(Rudolph nuzzles Two affectionately, while Yukiko chatters eagerly around the reindeer and Qwerty buzzes besides her owner.)

One: Question; what's Rudolph doing here in Numberland?

Twenty-Six: Maybe he lost his way from flying with his other reindeer friends?

Twenty-Five: (stroking the reindeer's fur) Well, we better ask for clues to how he got here in the first place!

Two: I guess that's a good thing! That way, we'll have more friends on this fun adventure!

Twenty-Five: Of course! Operation: Reindeer Rescue is currently underway!

(As Twenty-Five narrates, we see the gang meeting with Three, Four and Squarey, as well as what looks like a One Numberblock with a cute green elf hat, white stripes on her legs and green buckled shoes. This One Numberblock is one of Santa's elves of Numberland.)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) Turns out that we weren't the only ones who found something, or rather someone, that is Christmas-y, since Three and Four found one of Santa's elves!

Elf One Girl: (chatting to Three, Four and Squarey) ... And I told him "Well, at least I'm not the one wearing culottes!" (laughs)

Four: (giggles) I wore culottes once! They were pretty looking, despite being a bit tight on me...

Three: Four, those were my culottes.

Four: I guess that explains the lemony scent!

(The dumb comment the square boy said causes Three to face-fault in the snow while both Squarey and the elf girl giggle.)

Elf One Girl: Has your boyfriend been like that, Three?

Three: (gets up) Oh, don't worry, Junie! He's a goofball, but he's a lovable goofball regardless!

Junie (Elf One Girl): (giggles) I can tell! He's a lot like my many siblings back home!

One: Hello, everyone! Hello, elf girl that looks like me!

Four: (sees the other gang with Rudolph) Oh! Hey, fellas! Hey, Rudolph!

Three: (bewildered) Wait, wait, wait... Rudolph?! As in, THE Rudolph! Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?! (squees)

Junie: You know him, Mr. Four?

Four: Of course, girls! I can tell from his red nose! (giggles)

(Squarey giggles also as Rudolph greets her, her owners and Junie with playful nuzzles.)

Junie: (hugs Rudolph) It's great to see you again, boy! Santa must be worried about you! (sees One, Two, Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six) Oh, hold on! Forgot to introduce myself to you lovelies! I'm Junie! One of Santa's elves!

Twenty-Five: (thinking) Well, I guess that explains the pop colours on her.

One: Well, great to meet you, Junie! (seeing that Junie strongly resembles her) Wow, you truly look like me!

Junie: Yeah, I get that a lot! Since Mr. Four and Miss Three told me a lot of things here in Numberland!

Three: And that is just the tip of the iceberg, Junie-girl! Ha!

Junie: (giggles) Not to mention they're very funny too!

Two: But of course! Even though Three can be a pain sometimes.

Three: (embarrassed) Well, that part is true. I can be a pain.

Twenty-Six: (clears throat) You do know it's rude to exclude, right?

Junie: (sees Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six) Oh! Hello there, you two! It's brilliant to see you again!

Twenty-Six: Same with you, Miss Juniper!

One, Two, Three and Four: (bewildered) Again?

Yukiko: (barks)

Twenty-Five: Oh, that! It's a long story! Well, you see...

(As Twenty-Five explains about the friendship of her and Junie, the rest of the main Ten Numberblocks show up.)

Five: Ugh, what is going on here?

Six: What's with the elf girl there?

Seven: (excited, going all "adorable feminine fan-boy mode") And the adorable reindeer? Oh, I just wanna pet him or her so badly! (everyone else looks at him perplexed) What? Reindeer are one of my favourite animals! Apart from unicorns, ducks and even bunnies! (chuckles)

Junie: Oh! I wasn't expecting the rest of your friends to show up here, Twenty-Five!

Twenty-Five: But of course! There's a lot of nice faces in Numberland!

Eight: Well, apart from some of the naughty Numberblocks here, but we don't discuss them during this time of year.

Nine: Does anyone want to tell us what in the world is going on here?!

Junie: Right... Where to begin? It started when...

(As Twenty-Five narrates, we see the twelve Numberblocks reading Junie's story with the pets on Rudolph's back.)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) So, Junie told us the reason why she is at Numberland instead of the North Pole. It turns out that she was sent by Numberland's Santa, who is my father, to find Rudolph after he accidentally got separated by him, the other reindeer and Mrs. Claus, who is my mother. However, Junie's walkie-talkie got damaged from the fall and is in need to return home to the North Pole.

Junie: ... So, fellow Numberblocks with your ideas so bright, will you help us return home and set things right?

Twenty-Six: But of course, Junie!

All Numberblocks: You can count on us! We're the Numberblocks!

Junie: That's great! Though, how are you supposed to fly with me to the North Pole? It's pretty far away from Numberland.

Ten: Oh, that's easy! Numberblocks One to Ten, Ten being me by the way, will add up to Fifty-Five! Like this!

(The main ten Numberblocks add up to Fifty-Five, who is wearing some fairy lights to match the Christmas theme.)

Fifty-Five: Fifty-Five, happily awaiting orders for the festivities, Junie!

Junie: Oh~! That's great! But what about the rest of us?

Twenty-Five: (sees a sleigh nearby) We'll use this sleigh with Rudolph pulling it, silly! Since, well, this reindeer is strong enough to pull Santa's sleigh so it'll be easy as cake!

(Rudolph, interested in Twenty-Five's idea, nods in approval.)

Twenty-Six: I guess Rudolph agrees with you, sweetheart!

Yukiko: (chatters)

Qwerty: (buzzes in approval)

Squarey: Jyip jyip!

Junie: (smiles) Well, I suppose this mission will be easy than I thought! Let's get to it, shall we?

Everyone Else: Yeah!

(Later on, as Twenty-Five, we see Fifty-Five blasting off and flying besides the others, who are in the sleigh Twenty-Five found earlier that is pulled on Rudolph and Qwerty buzzing/flying besides them and Junie on the reindeer's back with no trouble at all.!)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) So, our travelling journey from Numberland to the North Pole, which isn't difficult since Numberblocks have travelled before and all that jazz. As well as would've been better if Fifty-Five wasn't blahing so much about space! Gah!! Anyways, we managed to get to the North Pole where Fifty-Five crash landed... in a pile of snow!

(With that said, Rudolph lands with the sleigh safely while Fifty-Five crash landed in a pile of snow, where he splits back into the main ten Numberblocks.)

Qwerty: (buzzes/laughs)

Twenty-Six: You're right, girl! That's one safe way to split without bouncing off the walls! (chuckles)

(Twenty-Five giggles as she and Junie untie the reins off Rudolph.)

Junie: This truly is the place, Twenty-Five!

Ten: How can you tell?

Twenty-Five: Probably from their brightly-coloured workshop over there?

(Yukiko sees the aforementioned workshop as she gets off the sleigh and runs towards it with Squarey and Qwerty following her, as well the other Numberblocks, Junie and Rudolph.)

Four: Wait up, Squarey! You're getting snow on your fur!

Twenty-Five: Wait for us, girls!

(Eventually, the gang go up to the workshop's door with Yukiko scratching and barking at the door for a few moments before Twenty-Five picks her up as the arctic kitsune began chattering in protest.)

Twenty-Five: There you are, you five tailed rascal!

???: (from the other side of the door) Oh? Twenty-Five?

Five: Who was that?

Twenty-Five: There's only one person who has a sweet-sounding voice like that.

(The door opens to reveal a female Twenty-Six Numberblock, with her coloured blocks being the traditional Christmas colours, which are red and green and the usual apricot blocks our Twenty-Six has being a soft pink, as well as wearing a dress and apron and a holly garland in her white/platinum blonde hair. This female Twenty-Six lookalike is the Numberblocks' version of Mrs. Holly Claus.)

Mrs. Claus (aka Holly): (sees Twenty-Five) Oh! Hello there, sweetheart! Fancy seeing you again! (sees the others with Rudolph) And I see you brought your friends and helped Junie find Rudolph!

Twenty-Five: Yeah, Mum, let's say that Junie's walkie-talkie thing got damaged!

Twenty-Six: Luckily, she and Rudolph are safe and unharmed.

Junie: We're really sorry if I didn't get into contact with Santa! Hope he isn't...

???: Miss Juniper?

Junie: (cringes in worry) ... worried about me.

Holly: Well, we better get you and your friends inside before you catch a cold, sweetheart! As well as checking if Rudolph and Junie aren't hurt physically before tonight!

Twenty-Five: (giggles) Sure thing, Mum. Dad will be surprised to see me, wouldn't he?

Holly: Well, yes! He's always the jolly and forgiving type of father!

Three: (shivering) Are you letting us in or not, lady?! It's super nippy out!

Holly: But of course, Three!

Three: (confused as she and the others go inside the workshop) Huh? How do you know my name?

Holly: Well, I AM Santa's wife! My husband and I know ALL the names of everyone across Numberland!

Four: (giggly) What's my name?

Holly: That's easy! You're Four, sweetheart!

(Four giggles cheerfully/goofily while clapping joyfully.)

Twenty-Five: Well, I hope Dad is okay with all of this!

(As Twenty-Five narrates again, we see the interior of the workshop, including the elves, who are Junie's siblings, making toys and gadgets while chatting, Rudolph reuniting with the other reindeer and the gang eventually meeting up with the other elves and reindeer!)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) Thanks to my mother's warm and kind heart, we manage to check out the workshop, including seeing Junie's siblings making toys for the good boys and girls across the world, meeting the other reindeer who are happy to see Rudolph who we found out can actually speak this entire time, much to our surprise! Heck, we even meet the big man himself and my father! Numberland's Santa Claus! And yes, he is indeed happy to see me since, well, he IS a caring dad to me and his elves!

(We eventually see Santa of the Numberblocks, who of course strongly resembles his square daughter, with him having his traditional red suit and hat and white/platinum blonde hair and beard and his eyebrows being a pale blue, who is happily hugging Twenty-Five in this wholesome reunion!)

Twenty-Five: So, you're happy to see me with my friends and boyfriend, huh Dad?

Santa: But of course, poppet! I'm always happy to see you whenever you visit here!

(The parents and daughter then see Four and Three running around the place in speeds that'll make Eighteen jealous while having frosting around their lips. Standing next to them is Cookie, one of Junie's sisters, who is a cute Elf girl wearing a pink apron.)

Three: (jittering like crazy, while eating a cupcake made by Cookie) Oh my gosh, this is the best place ever!

Four: (jittering also, while eating a square cookie made by, well, Cookie) I know, right?! These things are givin' me so much energy! Thanks, Cookie!

Cookie: (giggles) You're very welcome, new friends!

Holly: (seeing this as she laughs) I see some of your friends are enjoying Cookie's treats, sweetheart!

Twenty-Five: But of course, Mum! There's never a dull moment with friends like these!

Nine: (seeing how Mrs. Claus and Twenty-Six look so alike) Say, is it just me, Twenty-Five? Or do your boyfriend and your mum look a lot like each other?

Twenty-Five: But, of course! It's like me and my dad are following a pattern!

Holly: Oh, we get that all the time! Ever since we first met Twenty-Six, it felt I was looking in a mirror!

Ten: I think I know why! Even your blocks are arranged like each other's, despite them being in different colours.

Twenty-Six: That's true! Either way, we're two different Numberblocks from two different families!

Eight: So, how's Rudolph doing, Junie?

Junie: Oh, he's alright and reunited with the other reindeer! He's even became more chatty here than One and Two found him!

Eight: (smiles) I guess that's a good thing!

(As for the pets and the smallest Numberblocks that tagged along, they are seen being fascinated by the interior of the workshop, including Qwerty helping the Elves with making the toys, Yukiko playfully licking one of the giggling Elves, Squarey wearing a cute green bow and One and Two dressed up as Elves as they too giggle, all while Twenty-Five narrates.)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) While many of us were busy chatting and preparing for the big night and all that jazz, One and Two, alongside the three pets that came with us, were exploring the workshop with the Elves being very friendly as always. So much so that they were nice enough to dress those tiny lovebirds as Elves like them! Talk about cuteness overload! (laughs)

One: Whoever knew that these adorable Elves have some great taste in clothes!

Two: They even have clothes that are my size! They're so cute and thoughtful!

(The two hug as they giggle.)

Yukiko: (barks as she runs up to Rudolph and jumps around eagerly while chattering/barking)

Rudolph: (speaks in a voice similar to Twenty-Seven's) Well of course, Yukiko! I can't thank you or your friends enough of finding me in the snow! Though, I do apologise for not speaking earlier since, well, you know... It'll be awkward in case you, Qwerty and Squarey feel left out.

Yukiko: (chatters in approval)

(Qwerty buzzes in the tune of "Jingle Bells" as she places the last of the presents in the sack, while a male Elf which resembles Two watches in fascination as he writes it down on his clipboard. Judging by his nametag, this sole male elf is named "Teddy", the only brother of Junie.)

Teddy: Great work there, Qwerty! I guess Twenty-Five wasn't kidding about you being a hard-working pet!

Qwerty: (buzzes gratefully)

Teddy: You're welcome! You're quite the buzz on things like those! (laughs happily)

(Later on, as Twenty-Five narrates, we see the gang sitting by Santa's sleigh, with some of them wearing looks on their faces that are overwhelmed with joy and all nine reindeer pulling the sleigh and flying across the world to deliver presents and bring the gang home, as well as Twenty-Five and her parents in the front of the sleigh.)

Twenty-Five: (narrating) Of course, all things must come to an end. But since my parents are incredibly kind-hearted, they offered us a ride home... on my father's sleigh! With some of us being over the moon about this fun adventure!

Mrs. Claus: Your father and I really want to thank you for helping find Junie and Rudolph, Twenty-Five, as well as you all sharing this moment with us!

Santa: Of course, Holly! We are happy, nay overjoyed, with spending our time with our daughter! (to Twenty-Six) And I thank you the most, Twenty-Six, for keeping my little girl company, as we know one day, you'll make her a very special square girl!

(The Number Agent was speechless of the support of the parents of his girlfriend as he blushes bright red, as well as Twenty-Five laughing from the ordeal.)

One: Hey, before you take us home, Two and I have a question for you.

Holly: Well, ask away, One! We're all ears!

Two: If you bring us home, do me and One keep our elf outfits as something to remember you?

Santa: (chuckles) But of course! We have plenty of clothes that those so you can keep them! An early gift, you may say!

(One and Two cheer and clap happily from that. As for the other Numberblocks, they are seen either sound asleep in the comfy seats of the sleigh, chatting happily, and cuddling each other, with Squarey snuggling up to Three and Four, who are asleep from their sugar crash, Qwerty relaxing on her owner's head and Yukiko chilling/sleeping on Twenty-Five's lap.)

Santa: Seems like your friends has tuckered themselves out, yes?

Twenty-Five: Seems like it, Dad! (giggles)

(The last thing before the scene changes to outside the story is the flying sleigh across the falling snow and above Numberland with Santa laughing his iconic laugh. After that, the scene changes to outside the story and back in the cabin, with many of the Learningblocks clapping happily and Twenty-Five proudly closing the book with a sleepy look on her face and Yukiko looking at her owner happily.)

T: Excellent story there, Twenty-Five! Top notch!

N: Nicely done!

Fifteen: I agree on that! I enjoyed every last bit of it!

Twenty-Five: (tired) Thank you, everyone, for hearing my story. I never fe- (yawns) -felt so happy with being with friendly faces, new and old.

H: Happy to help, Twenty-Five!

D: Also, since a lot of us, including you, look tired and it's apparently getting late, do you suppose there's room for us Alphablocks to sleep here in this cabin?

Twenty-Five: Of course, there's a couple guest bedrooms in the cabin so you're welcome to sleep here tonight...

O: Oh~!

One-Hundred: Perfect timing too, since One and Two here are zonked out in my arms!

(One and Two are sound asleep in One-Hundred's arms with Teddy in One's arms.)

Twenty-Five: (yawns again) I bet they're excited as us in Christmas morning...

Twenty-Six: (chuckles) Well, we better get ready to sleep straight away, Sweetpea.

(Yukiko yaps in approval.)

G: Goodnight then, Number-friends!

Twenty-Five: Right back at you, Alpha-friends~... (yawns as she snuggles by Twenty-Six)

[End of Story Three]

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