Wedding night ;) - Nash Imagine

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Hearts beat fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall standing here all alone
All of my doubts suddenly go away somehow
One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
And I'll love you for a thousand more...

I was walking down the aisle. My heart beat so fast as my hands began to become clammy. My white lace fashioned dress fit snug onto my body, it was a perfect fit. I felt so beautiful. I looked around and I saw everyone we knew and loved there. My mom was already crying really hard and my dad holding her as he also had tears streaming down his face, he wasn't the type to cry easy. My friends, neighbors, relatives all giving me their attention as warm smiles plastered their faces. The adorable flower girl Skylnn, Nash's little sister poured beautiful red roses as she would look back every time and smile at me. The organ player played more intensely, leading me up to the alter.

I smiled at my best friend that has been with me since the beginning. I turned and faced my other amazing best friend, Nash. Tears were already down his cheeks as were mine. We wiped each others tears and a smile curved itself. The organ player stopped playing and it was time.

(skip to vows)

"I wrote it on a, piece of paper but I'm not even going to use it, I'll speak from the heart." He said and the crowed laughed a little.

"I, Nash Hamilton Grier promise to love and protect you against everything that even attempts to hurt you. In the beginning of all of this I thought you were crazy, and as time went on I learned that I like crazy. You're everything to me you're more than you ever think you are. From your quirky little jokes to your laugh that you always seem to be embarrassed about, but by the way it's insanely cute. You're perfect, I promise you that. Imperfections are perfections. You make me see the world in a different way, day by day. You make me excited to get out of bed and do things. I love you so much nothing will ever change that." He rested his head on mine. "So  I take you, F/M/L to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." He gently placed the ring on my finger as he kissed it and a tear fell from his eye and landing on my finger.

"Oh it's my turn." I laughed as I wiped away my tears and sniffled.

"I,  promise to love you till the end of time. You have always been there for me through the easy and the hard. You've picked me up numerous of times and have always taught to see the good in things. I even started to love football, how crazy is that? You have been my rock and we've grown both together and apart as beings. I give you all I am and as a symbol for that I am here today. I know I have said before that I love you with all I am, all I have been, and all I ever shall be - with all my heart and soul- and now I offer my proof. This ring is the offering of my being- all my heart and soul and health. I, F/M/L, take you, Nash Hamilton Grier, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." I began to cry as I placed the ring on his finger and the pastor spoke.

"You may now kiss the bride."

We kissed and I felt as if we were one being. We were connected spiritually and it felt like an euphoria.

°°°°°°° (wedding party)°°°°°°°
I hooked my arms around my newlywed husband, Nash. We were currently dancing together on the dance floor as the bright spotlight shone only on us, for our first dance. I forgot about everyone else in the room, in fact everyone in the whole world because the only important thing was in front of me. I felt as if it we were the only two people there in that moment.

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