Chapter 17

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"Attention. Attention, citizens. Terrible news." A police officer announced as he drove all over the neighborhoods, telling everyone a tragic news. "There is still no sign of Santa Claus." All of the children cried, knowing that they'll never see Santa again.

"Although the impostor has been shot down. It looks like Christmas will have to be canceled this year. I repeat, the impostor has been shot down. But there is no sign of Santa Claus."

In the cemetery, everything that was shot down from the sky has been destroyed. But Mikey and Shoutmon somehow survived.

Mikey woke up before getting up. He saw Shoutmon laying down on the ground. His Santa outfit has been ripped and has a few burn marks. Mikey crawled to his friend, shakes him, and said, "Shoutmon. Shoutmon, wake up." Shoutmon groaned and opened his eyes.

"I'm so glad you're alive. We somehow survived the fall. But..." Mikey said until he stopped his sentences while showing Shoutmon all of the damages.

Shoutmon looked around him. The sleigh is destroyed into a bunch of peices, the skeleton reindeers are broken off with no way to put them back on, and all of the remaining Christmas Halloween toys are burning, ripped into shreds, broken, and damaged. What has Shoutmon done? Everything is destroyed and Christmas is ruined.


What have I done?

What have I done?

How could I be so blind?

All is lost, where was I?

Spoiled all, spoiled all

Everything's gone all wrong

What have I done?

What have I done?

Find a deep cave to hide in

In a million years they'll find me

Only dust and a plaque

That reads, "Here Lies Poor Shoutmon"

But I never intended all this madness, never

And nobody really understood, how could they?

That all I ever wanted was to bring them something great

Why does nothing ever turn out like it should?

Well, what the heck, I went and did my best

And, by God, I really tasted something swell

And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky

And at least I left some stories they can tell, I did

And for the first time since I don't remember when

I felt just like my aold bony self again

And I, Shoutmon, the Pumpkin King

Shoutmon knew that Lunamon is right about being the Pumpkin Digimon King and ruler of all Halloween. "That's right, I am the Pumpkin King! Ha, ha, ha!" Shoutmon shouted and ripped off the Santa outfit. Mikey cheers now that the real king of Halloween is back.

And I just can't wait until next Halloween

'Cause I've got some new ideas

That will really make them scream

And, by God I'm really gonna give it all my might

Shoutmon then remembered something. "Uh oh, I hope there's still time to set things right. Sandy Claws." Shoutmon said before picked up Santa's hat and walked inside the cellular door entrance with Mikey behind him.

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