Chapter 15

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Later back to the Halloween Town, the people were wait for the launch while musicians are playing the song called Here Comes Santa Claus.

Lunamon, Guy, Jasmine, Sonja, Lucy, and Chip walked to the fountain. They looked around them to make sure no one spotted them doing something. Once nobody noticed, Guy and Sonja poured a fog liquid into the foundation.

The song ended and Mikey stepped in, walked on the launch platform and stands next to the sled. He shouted, "Reload, Shoutmon Claws!" Shoutmon in his Santa Claus outfit jumps out the Loader and the crowd cheered. The kids made it back in time. They ran in the crowd as the mortals secretly joined in and applauding with the people.

Ballistomon pulled out his speech paper and announced, "Think of us as you soar triumphantly through the sky, outshine in every star. Your silhouette a dark blot on the moon. You who are our pride. You who are our glory..." The fog appeared everywhere where water goes and comes out, blocking the view. Especially Ballistomon can't read cause of it. Dippy asked when he noticed the fog, "Hey. Where did all of those fog comes from?"

Shoutmon said, "Mikey, we can't take off like this." Mikey said, "You're right, Shoutmon. None of the reindeer won't be able to see inches in front of their noses." Sonja whispered to her friends, "It's working."

Jim said, "This fog is thick" Daxter said, "Jelly brains." Max corrected him, "No. Pea soup." He said, "You eat what you want kid, and I'll eat what I want."

Shoutmon said disappointed, "I'm very sorry, my people. All of my hopes are gone. My precious plan. My glorious dreams." All of people felt very upset while the mortals pretend to feel bad.

"There goes Christmas." Gumdramon said sadly as he sheds tears and hugged Lunamon. Lunamon confers him and said, "I'm sorry, Gumdramon." Sam said sadly as he hugged Guy, "At least I still have you, Guy. Even, there won't be Christmas." Guy said pushed Sam back, "Come on, Sam. Knock it off."

Nobody noticed something very bright that so strong that it can blind you for minutes. "Not quite." All heads turned and saw Phineas and Ferb with something else behind them. Something flashing very bright.

Phineas said, "We thought something like this will happen. So, Ferb and I got you a little Rudolph." Jasmine asked worried, "Hold on. Rudolph? As in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?" The mortals looked at her in shocked.

"That would be the one." Ferb points it out. Phineas presented, "Everyone, allow us to introduce, Rudolph the Red Nosed Skeleton Reindeer!" Two boys walked back to reveal the skeleton Rudolph that has the brightest red nose.

Shoutmon said, "Wow. What a brilliant nose he has. The brightest that'll light the way! Put him on the front of the team, boys! The Christmas is back on!" Phineas and Ferb puts Rudolph on the front of the skeleton reindeers and striped him up as the crowd cheered.

"We're off!" Shoutmon shouted before command the reindeers to start the launch. "Wait, Shoutmon! No!" Lunamon shouted. Jasmine yelled while she was pulled back by Ratchet and Rivet, "Shoutmon, stop! Don't do this!" Sonja yelled as she was pulling back by Alister, "You don't know what you are doing!" Guy yelled while trying to break free from Sam's grip, "No, Shoutmon! Come back!" Cindy yelled, "Shoutmon! Wait! There's something we have to tell you!" Dale yelled, "It's about Santa Claus! He's in danger!"

But Shoutmon didn't hear anybody cause of the crowd was cheering very loud and he was launch up to the night sky over the fog. "Ho ho ho! Ha ha ha ha! Ho!" Shoutmon shouted the line as the sleigh flew past the full moon and head to the town. The living town which is where Lunamon and her family once lived there.

As soon Shoutmon and Mikey are gone in the sky, the people went separate ways while Iago, Batso, the dragonfly, Ratchet, Rivet, Alister, and Sam takes their loved mortal ones. Even the mortals hates the real living people who disliked Lunamon, they felt bad to see them to get scared on Christmas eve night.

Lunamon looked at the sky sadly, feared for Shoutmon's safety, and said sadly, "Goodbye, Shoutmon... My dearest Shoutmon. Oh, I just hope my dreams are wrong."

Lunamon walked towards the gate. But she doesn't feel like leaving the town. Especially not without her friends. Lunamon may have just met Shoutmon, but she slowly starting to fell in love with him by each passing day.


I sense there's something in the wind

That feels like tragedy's at hand

And though I'd like to stand by him

Can't shake this feeling that I have

The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?

And will he see how much he means to me?

I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend?

Where will his actions lead us then?

Although I'd like to join the crowd

In their enthusiastic cloud

Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever end up together?

No, I think not

It's never to become

For I am not the one

Lunamon looked at the sky one more time and she prays for Shoutmon to come back home safe and sound, with everything still in attach.

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