Chapter 2 : First Date

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Claire gets home and sees that Nick and Claire are each other's neighbors and in fact Nick's and Claire room is right across from each other.

5:00 pm :

Claire was doing her homework when she decides she should start getting ready. Claire walks to the restroom and takes a shower for her date and then got ready . Claire goes to answer the door . She opens the front door and sees Hunter standing their with flowers .

Hunter - these are for you

Claire - thank you but you didn't need to get me anything

Hunter - I know but someone beautiful deserves beautiful things

Claire - look this is not my first rodeo I know things and that's doesn't work on me , but thank you I'm going to put theses in my room

Hunter starts following Claire but then stops.

Claire - um you ..... you stay their

In Claire's Bedroom

Claire has a empty vase and then puts her flowers in the vase and added water from the kitchen.  Claire accidentally drop her books for English on the floor and there was a huge thump sound which made Hunter worry . Claire goes out of her room and then goes to hunter.

Hunter- everything all good ?

Claire - yeah , I just accidentally dropped my books

Hunter - oh ok, we'll are you ready or

Claire - yeah

Hunter and Claire walk out side and go to the car where Hunter opens the door for Claire and takes a seat at the passenger side.

Claire - thank you

Hunter goes around the car and takes a seat at the drive side. Hunter starts the car and they first go bowling afterwards they go to a dinner's and have a deep conversation about their child hood and everything.

Hunter - so where are you from ?

Claire - originally I'm from here but then I went to Austin , Texas then Mississippi, Atlanta , New Orleans , New York , and so on

Hunter - wow , that's a lot of moving around

Claire - yeah but it's kinda fun , I get to see the world so it's not all bad

Claire wasn't telling everything about herself, she was scared of telling anyone.

Hunter - so tell me why do you like cheer

Claire - I don't know , for me it's been a way to cope with all the things I've been holding inside

Hunter - I know the feeling it's the same thing for me , with football although it's not entirely the same but I get it

Claire smiles

Later on the night Claire and hunter went to the park and they had fun , they laughed and thought that maybe they were each other's soulmate. Because of how they understood one another. Hunter takes Claire home then walks her to her door.

Claire - I had a really fun night

Hunter - so did I

Hunter leaned in and kissed Claire . Claire and hunter start kissing . Claire stops then opens the door and says goodnight.

Hunter - sweet dreams

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