Chapter 8 : The Winter Dance

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Nick and Christian stop fighting when they hear Claire's voice.

Nick - Claire ?

Claire - what's going on ?

Christian - choose !!!

Claire - what ?

Christian - choose between the both of you , me or Nick ?

Claire - I choose *looks at Nick* I .. . I choose you . . . Christian

Nick - I knew it you will never let yourself be happy will you

Claire - I'm sorry Nick , I hope we can still be friends

Nick - no , we can't be friends , I never wanted to be just friends

Nick walks away and Claire chases after him but Christian stops her . Christian puts his hand on Claire's wrist.

Claire - DON'T

Christian lets Claire's wrist go and Claire runs after Nick.

Claire - Nick , please stop

Nick stops and looks at Claire.

Nick - Claire , why ?

Claire - I'm sorry *tears*

Nick - Claire . . . I like you a lot but I can't do this anymore , I just can't *tears*

Claire - Nick ?

Nick then walks away from Claire.

Claire - Nick I love you *teardrops on Claire's uniform*

Nick - But I don't *walks away*

Claire - *gasps* so that's it , were nothing ?

Nick - you should have listen to Bella , I'm a player and I'm tired of you

Nick continues to walk away while Claire continues to cry. Christian walks over to Claire and says sorry.

Christian - I'm sorry I wanted to prove I was the right man for you *signs*

Claire - you are though , I'm not the right girl for you

Christian - but you are though , you're the girl of my dreams Claire Thompson *smiles*

Claire - *smiles* your so sweet Christian

Christian - you still want to go to the winter dance tomorrow ?

Claire - yes , I would love to

Claire and Christian hug and then Claire leaves to go to her house. Claire was home alone and she laid in her bed and cried over what Nick said he got over and that he didn't love her.

Claire - I thought he loved me but Bella was right he was only going to hurt me. But as much as I want to blame him , it was me as well and I was the fool to fall in love with him so

The next day Claire went to school and pretended as if nothing had happened. Everything was fine except when it came to her final class and she was partnered with Nick.

Claire - can you put the water in the tube ?

Nick - so . . . you don't really have anything to say about yesterday ?

Claire - what am I going to say , nothing happened? Do you expect me to feel sorry for myself ?

Nick - no , I just -

Claire - you just what ? thought my world is all about you ? your wrong okay

The school bell rings and Claire quickly packs up and goes to the girls locker room to cry. Claire felt heartbroken and even though she had Christian she wanted to be with Nick and no one else. Claire decided to ditch the rest of school and went home to keep herself busy. She cleaned the house , her room , and then Gloria and Jessica came home and the girls didn't ask Claire what's wrong because they knew what's wrong and they didn't even want Claire to skip the winter dance because of Nick. Jessica didn't know what to do so she called the one person that would understand Claire a little bit more.

Alex - hey little sister *smiles*

Claire - Alex *surprised* What are you doing here ?

Alex - your other sisters told me what going on and I know what to do because the same thing happened to me with Kimberly so

Claire - I told him that I'm in love with him *tears in her eyes*

Alex - he's not worth it , you know that

Claire - but he's my first

Alex - first loves can be tough but that doesn't matter ok , so your going to that dance and enjoying yourselves ok

Claire - ok *smiles*

Alex - girls come in and lets all get glammed

Jessica and Gloria come inside Claire's room and begin to do Claire's hair and make up. Jessica and Gloria were ready already , they just needed Claire to be ready.

Claire - how do I look ?

Gloria - wow , your gonna win snowflake queen *chuckles*

Jessica - your dress is beautiful on you *smiles*

Claire - *smiles* So are we ready to leave ?

Gloria - yeah , lets go the boys are waiting on us

The girls walk outside and go into the limo and Nick was watching Claire leave but he then went up to his room.

Maddie - are you going after her ?

Nick - why should I , she has Christian

Maddie - are you serious , Claire told you that she's in love with you

Nick - so what do you want huh ? she is -

Maddie - Nick , wake up , your in love with Claire so go get her who cares what anyone says

Nick - but -

Maddie - "but what " Nick what I'm hearing is excuse why you can't , GO GET HER NICK , or else you'll regret it *walks away*

Nick takes a moment to think about what he should do. But then Nick got ready and went after Claire. Claire and the girls were dancing with Martin , Christian , and Jimmy. Nick finally gets to the dance but Jessica grabs his arm and pulls him outside.

Jessica - what do you think you're doing ?

Nick - I'm here for Claire

Jessica - Nick , why won't you left Claire be happy

Nick - you don't think I don't want that for her , *tears up* I feel like I won't breathe when she's not near , I'm in love with her , I've never felt this before and I don't know how to tell her !!

Jessica - oh Nick , tell her how you feel I know she's in love with you , she is hoping your in love with her

Nick - I am

Jessica - go tell her then

Nick - what if she says NO

Jessica - I can't tell you she won't but I can't tell you she'll say yes but what I do know is that you'll be one of the good things for Claire especially after what I'm going to tell her

Nick - what are you going to tell her ?

Jessica - Meghan's in town

Nick - "Meghan" who ?

Jessica - Meghan who is now known as Meghan Patterson is Claire's mom

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