04 | "An Unrealistic Dream."

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~Midoriya Izuku.

My eyes snapped awake as I looked at the white ceiling above me. The awful scent of antibiotics and cleanliness drafted my nose. Yet even though I felt uncomfortable by the smell my body didn't make any qualms about it.

'Why am I here?' I questioned. Backtracking my previous actions. The bright light felt distracting so I quickly shut my eyes to concentrate.

'Kacchan blowing my book...A tunnel... That sewer villain...' I blinked as I remembered the incident. Being told to commit and attacked the same day. Then why am I in a hospital?

'...All Might!' I remembered someone with his figure punching the villain!

I couldn't be wrong, even if I was half-conscious how could I ever mistake him for another person? And his power, I felt the shockwave of the punch. He was the real deal. I looked at the ceiling in frustration.

'I met All Might in the flesh! Yet that's when I passed out, way to go, Deku.' I tilted my head as I raised my hands to block the glare...

I... raised my hands...


I looked down to my left to see a girl gripping my hand.

'Wait... WHAT?!?!' I shot up to look at the girl carefully. She appeared to be around my age with short brown hair, I couldn't see much of her face since her hair was in the way... and I didn't want to move it myself! That would be an invasion of privacy!!! Right??

However I knew she was at least sleeping, and her hand trembled ever so often, as if she was feeling cold. Yet her hands were warm, or was it my hands that were getting warm? Oh God, don't tell me I have sweaty palms?! I felt even more self-concsious of my current position.

'Why is she holding my hand?! Why is a girl holding my hand?!' It felt so weird, this had never happened to me before, what girl would ever want to hold hands with a quirkless? They'd rather ask Kacchan out to karaoke first.

Yet there was one right now holding my hand with her pinkie out. I had never seen her before, yet something about her was familiar. 'She's not from Aldera, I would've noticed such a pretty girl at least once.' I thought. I felt my face getting hotter as I stared at the pretty girl next to me.

'Get a grip man! Are you trying to get accused of being creepy??' I scolded myself.

I didn't want to wake the pretty girl up. Nor did I want to keep staring at her to be labeled as a freak so I looked out the window, watching as the sun was hiding behind some buildings. Left alone to my thoughts. Suddenly I heard an obnoxious snore. My head snapped towards the sound to see another person my age who was also sleeping, but instead, they were on the bed like me. Their silver hair shone from the lights and I wished my hand was free as I can take notes on his appearance and theorize on what his quirk could be. 'I wonder why he's in the hospital...'

My attention quickly went to the girl. 'Did she mistakenly hold onto my hands instead of the guy next to me?' That would make sense, I don't know her at all, maybe she was very tired and fell asleep here.

She also felt unnaturally warm, was she ill? Maybe besides waiting for her friend to wake up she was waiting for the doctor to check up on her. I mused, I knew the absurdity of both thoughts; why would she be in a hospital room instead of the waiting area if she was waiting for the doctor? I wouldn't know. Maybe the girl herself doesn't know that she's ill.

Which brings me to my first thought: 'Why am I not disturbed at the thought that I might get sick because of her?'


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