Let's party

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(this chapter won't have the group chat)

Heather's pov 

Courtney was in my living room,noah was in the car and I was getting ready

Courtney: come on heather me will arrive late because of you

Heather: wait a sec I'm almost done

Noah entered my house after hearing the yelling

Noah: chill out I can hear you two yelling at each other from outside 

Courtney: sorry is just that she's gonna make us late

I came out of my room and entered the living room with two skirts in my hands 

Heather: which one should I use?

Noah: I think the purple one is really pretty but the black one fits better with your outfit 

Heather: thanks noah 

Courtney: you know why don't you use the purple skit noah?

Heather: yeah you can borrow it and it will give your outfit a upgrade

Noah: but what will the others think..

Heather: f**k what they think

Contney: don't worry we and cody will be there

Noah: ok give me the skirt so I can change

(time skip)


I entered the party with heather and courtney and already felt stares in my direction I was getting really anxious,but then I felt someone hug me from behind and saw the girls smirk to me 

Courtney: me and heather are gonna get some drinks see you two later 

and like that the two where gone and then I saw who was hugging me was cody

Cody: hey noah I missed you

I turned around now face to face with cody and hugged him again

Noah: I missed you too 

when we released from the hug he stared at me from head to toe 

Cody: wow didn't notice you were wearing a skirt you look beautiful in it

as he said that he put a hand in his mouth and stared at me afraid while I stared to laugh trying to hide the fact that I was blushing like crazy

Noah: thank you I really like you outfit too

Cody: thanks 

after he thank me we heard yelling

Leashawana: lets play truth or dare 

I didn't want to play but cody held my hand and dragged me to circle of people forming in trent's living room 

(time skip)

after about 10 minutes in everyone was already crazy but I was chill,untill the bottle landed in izzy and cody

Izzy: truth or dare cody hihihi

just for her laugh I knew something good it wasn't

Cody: I'm going with dare because I already know what your asking if I choose truth

Eva: I think you have gone insane for letting izzy choose a challenge for you

Cody: yeah..but now is too late

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